The Society for Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting and Conference, July 25-28, 2012
SMB 2012 Minisymposia
MS7: Multiscale modeling of biochemical networks that control cell polarization and motility (2) - July 25, 3:40-5:20 p.m. SESSION C
Organizers: Alexandra Jilkine (Molecular and Cellular Biology, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA); Jun Allard (Mathematics, Univ. of California, Davis, CA, USA)
Presenters: Jun Allard, Bill Holmes, Alexandra Jilkine, Herb Levine
Summary. The ability of cells to polarize is essential for physiological processes such as cell motility and differentiation. Interestingly, many components, such as those involving actin- and scaffolding-dependent feedback, are conserved across a broad range of cell types. This mini-symposium will bring together researchers working on different aspects of cell polarization to investigate the general principles that underlie the dynamic establishment and maintenance of cell polarity, and understand how different mechanisms work together to create sharply defined spatial patterns at the single cell level. This symposium will discuss both universal mechanisms that give rise to cell polarization and cell-type-specific features.