The Society for Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting and Conference, July 25-28, 2012
SMB 2012 Minisymposia
MS25: Multiscale modeling of cell movement - July 27, 3:40-5:20 p.m. SESSION I
Organizers: Chuan Xue (Mathematics, Ohio State Univ., Columbus OH, USA)
Qixuan Wang (Mathematics, Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA)
Presenters: Zhiliang Xu, Huijing Du, Alicia Prieto Langarica, Yangjin Kim
Cell movement is crucial in biofilm formation, organism development, health maintenance, and disease pathogenesis. New technology has generated huge experimental data on how cells coordinate with each other and move towards external signals collectively. Directed cell movement has been modelled both at the single-cell level and the population level. Significant progress has also been made in connecting these models at different scales.
In this minisymposium, we will bring together both experimentalists and modellers, and
oummar forum for new viewpoints and results related to this rapidly developing field. The
aim is to foster and encourage communication and interaction between researchers in this
field. The topics may include but not restricted to: 1. bacterial swimming, swarming, and
gliding; 2. fibrolast crawling and amoeboid swimming; 3. collective chain migration and