Adam Sullivan NIMBioS GRA

Henian Xia Former NIMBioS GRA
NIMBioS graduate research assistant Adam Sullivan and former NIMBioS GRA Henian Xia are part of a team that has created an award-winning algorithm to improve the effectiveness of remote electrocardiography. Sullivan and Xia are both doctoral students in biomedical engineering and work in the lab of Dr. Xiaopeng Zhao at the Univ. of Tennessee. Zhao and his team of graduate and undergraduate students and physicians won top honors in Physionet Challenge 2011—two first-place finishes and one third-place finish. Zhao’s algorithm examines interferences that result from electrode misplacement and disturbances, including patient motion and electromagnetic noise. The algorithm, which has been implemented in a java program, can be installed and operated on a smart phone. Zhao is also a collaborator with NIMBioS.