Orou Gaoue

Tony Jhwueng

Calistus Ngonghala
NIMBioS postdoctoral fellows Orou Gaoue, Tony Jhwueng and Calistus Ngonghala are currently attending the 2011 Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematical Biology held at the Mathematical Biosciences Institute at The Ohio State University. The workshop exposes postdocs and early career faculty to broader topics in mathematical biology and gives them a chance to interact with other scientists. Gaoue will also present on the topic, “Asymptotic growth rates underestimate the transient response of a tropical plant population to harvest,” and Ngonghala will present on the topic, “A new route to periodic oscillations in the dynamics of malaria transmission.” Jhwueng is presenting a poster on the topic, “Modeling phylogenetic comparative methods with hybridization.” The workshop runs from Aug. 29 – Sept. 1, 2011.