NIMBioS postdoctoral fellow Sharon Bewick (left) with Carlos Botero (NESCent) and Carly Strasser (NCEAS) gave a symposium on climate change at SACNAS.
NIMBioS collaborated with NSF math and biology centers this month to bring exciting programming in modern math and life science to the SACNAS national conference for advancing Hispanics, Chicanos, and Native Americans in science. Postdoctoral fellow Sharon Bewick and Associate Director for Education, Outreach & Diversity Suzanne Lenhart both presented at the Modern Math Workshop, held immediately prior to SACNAS and c0-organized by NIMBioS and the NSF math centers and institutes. Sessions for undergraduate students centered around how mathematics contributes to our understanding of various scientific topics. Graduate students and recent PhDs attended presentations highlighting topics drawn from the institutes’ upcoming programs, a keynote address, and an informative panel presentation on the 2012-2013 programs and workshops. Bewick and Lenhart also participated in several activities organized by the NSF biology centers at SACNAS including a career mentoring session for undergraduate students called Conversations with Scientists.” Bewick also presented in a symposium titled “Hot Topics in Ecology/Evolution: Climate Change” with two other postdoctoral fellows from NCEAS and NESCent. This year’s conference in San Jose, CA, was the largest in the SACNAS organization’s history, attracting more than 3,600 participants.