Dr. Brandilyn Stigler from Southern Methodist University leads an undergraduate mini-course during the Modern Math Workshop on “Inferring Gene Regulatory Networks: An Algebraic Geometry-Systems Biology Connection.”
More than 170 young mathematicians attended last week’s Modern Math Workshop at SACNAS, which NIMBioS took the lead in organizing this year.
Mathematics undergraduates, graduate students, post-docs and early career faculty attended mini-courses, research talks and a panel highlighting opportunities at NSF mathematics institutes across the U.S. The two-day event immediately preceded the national conference in Seattle, Washington, for the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS).
Rooms were packed to capacity, and participants told us they were pleased to have an event just for those interested in math before the larger SACNAS conference, which had more than 3,500 attendees from all realms of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. NIMBioS postdoctoral fellow Calistus Ngonghala, Associated Director for Education & Outreach Suzanne Lenhart and Education & Outreach Coordinator Kelly Sturner represented NIMBioS at the annual workshop, which is one of the activities to promote diversity offered by the NSF Mathematical Sciences Institutes Diversity Committee.