2014 NIMBioS SRE undergraduates and friends pose in the Smokies during a trip to see the synchronous fireflies.
NIMBioS Summer Research Experiences (SRE) for Undergraduates and Teachers is in full swing with abundant opportunities for learning and play. During the first week participants were oriented to NIMBioS, learned about university library services, math modeling, collaborating, and programming. Students also met with their mentors to get rolling on their summer projects. There were also plenty of opportunities for fun, with games (the SET card game was a big hit), barbecues, pool parties, and what has now become an annual pilgrimage to see the famous synchronous fireflies in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The program continues this week with more programming instruction, an intro to 3D-printing, information on national scholarship opportunities, and a picnic and hike in the Smokies this weekend! For full details including a list of participants and their projects, visit http://nimbios.org/sre/sre2014.