SRE participants Kelly Regan (left), Alana Cooper and Emily Horton (right of poster) present their work on dynamic modeling of human emotions.
Undergraduates in the NIMBioS Summer Research Experience (SRE) program presented five posters on their projects last week at the University of Tennessee (UT) Summer STEM Poster Symposium. NIMBioS students joined with other undergraduates conducting summer research from other campus programs in engineering, chemistry, computing, life sciences, nursing, psychology, and more. Fifty-seven posters were presented in all.
Since the SRE’s still have two more weeks to the program, only methods and preliminary results were presented. The students reported that the feedback they received from faculty and other students will help them as they continue and begin to wrap up their projects. For some students, it was their first time presenting a research poster of their work, a valuable new experience.
The poster symposium is one that NIMBioS helps co-organize annually with CURENT, an NSF-supported engineering center located at UT. More photos from this year’s symposium are available here.
NIMBioS also hosted visitors for the symposium whom have been spending the summer at East Tennessee State University doing research in math and biology through a summer research experience for undergraduates sponsored by the National Security Agency. After lunch together, the students stayed for a panel discussion on graduate school featuring graduate students in math and biology from UT organized for the SRE program participants.