Congratulations to the 20 graduate students who will each receive a $2,500 award to supplement their funding for research and education at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
The NIMBioS Graduate Award program was announced in March 2019, and students submitted their applications through a competitive process. The recipients come from 10 departments across campus.
The awards support research and education in areas that align with the efforts of NIMBioS at the interface of the quantitative and life sciences as well as areas connected with the four NIMBioS-affiliated programs, which include the National Institute for STEM Evaluation and Research, the Center for the Dynamics of Social Complexity, the Spatial Analysis Lab, and the Mathematical Modeling Consulting Center. The awards also support research and education that fosters new collaborations beyond the quantitative and life sciences. Full details on the awards program are available at https://legacy.nimbios.org/graduate_awards
For more than a decade, since the institute was established under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation, NIMBioS has supported graduate students, providing over 50 student-years of graduate support for more than 30 students pursuing degrees in at least 10 different programs at UT. Graduate Assistantships included a stipend as well as a tuition waiver to promote research in areas at the interface between mathematics and biology. More information about NIMBioS’ Graduate Assistantship program is available at https://legacy.nimbios.org/assistantships/
The 2019 NIMBioS Graduate Award recipients are as follows:
- Soheil Borhani, Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering
- Alexander Cope, Genome Science & Technology
- Jeff DeSalu, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- Jessica Dreyer, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- Hwayoung Jung, Psychology
- Pramir K.C., Microbiology
- Jasmine Kreig, The Bredesen Center, Environmental and Climate Sciences
- Diane Le Bouille Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- Donna K. McCullough, Microbiology
- Jacob K. Moutouama, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- Ruben A. Ortiz, Sociology
- Tyler Poppenwimer, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- Hari Prasad Regmi, Agricultural and Resource Economics
- Jeffrey Hunter Rice, Microbiology
- Ryan Douglas Kuster, Entomology, Plant Pathology and Nematology
- Katrina Schlum, Genome Science & Technology
- Athmanathan Senthilnathan, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- Shantanu Shukla, Genome Science & Technology
- Cara Sulyok, Mathematics
- Taylor Woods, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology