NIMBioS Welcomes New Researchers

(From left) Nels Johnson, Megan Rua, Quentin Johnson

(From left) Nels Johnson, Megan Rúa, Quentin Johnson

We’re excited to announce our new postdoctoral and sabbatical fellows who will bring their research to NIMBioS this summer and fall.

New postdoctoral fellows include:

Nels Johnson joins NIMBioS in June following a postdoctoral fellowship at Colorado State Univ. where he has been focused on the Great Plains Methane project investigating communities of methane consuming soil bacteria. At NIMBioS, Johnson will develop new, flexible community models for addressing the impact that diversity and community structure have on ecosystem function and for better understanding the biodiversity of communities across environmental gradients and traits.

Quentin Johnson joins NIMBioS in August after completing his Ph.D. in Life Science/Genome Science and Technology at the Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville. His project centers on developing a high-throughput mathematical and computational model to identify allostery and the mechanism by which the allosteric signal is initiated and propagated in the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor and retinoid X receptor complex, which are proteins involved in preventing growth of cancer cells.

Megan Rúa is currently an NSF postdoctoral research fellow in biology at the Univ. of Mississippi where she is conducting a 1200 seedling experiment. Starting in August, her research at NIMBioS will focus on using selective source analysis (SSA) to estimate selection due to interspecific interactions and other sources and will also involve employing meta-analysis in conjunction with SSA to examine these relationships across a broad array of hosts and their mycorrhiza.

New sabbatical fellows are as follows:

Charles Price, an assistant professor of plant biology at the Univ. of Western Australia, will work on a project to understand the physical drivers of allometric patterns in trees. Price begins his fellowship in June.

Richard Schugart, an assistant professor of mathematics at Western Kentucky Univ., begins his fellowship in August to investigate optimal treatment protocols for a bacterial infection of a wound using oxygen therapy.

And joining NIMBioS in February 2016 as a sabbatical fellow is Glenn Ledder, a professor of mathematics at the Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln, whose project involves dynamic energy budget modeling and multi-component systems.

The next deadline for applying for a postdoctoral fellowship and a sabbatical fellowship is September 1.


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