Russell Lande (center, black shirt) visits with NIMBioS postdocs (from left) JJ Chai, Tom Ingersoll, Andrew Kanarek, Maud Lélu, Xavier Thibert-Plante, Dan Ryan, Orou Gaoue and Gesham Magombedze
Distinguished theoretical biologist Russell Lande visited NIMBioS yesterday and gave a seminar talk on the topic of phenotypic plasticity. Lande’s talk, “Adaptation to an extraordinary environment by evolution of phenotypic plasticity and genetic assimilation,” filled a packed classroom. Lande was a NIMBioS Postdoctoral Fellows Invited Distinguished Visitor. A Royal Society Research Professor in Natural Sciences at Imperial College London, Lande has won numerous awards for his work, including a MacArthur Fellowship and most recently the Balzan Prize for Theoretical Biology or Bioinformatics, for “pioneering contributions to the development and application of theoretical population biology, including the modern development of the theory of quantitative genetics, and the study of stochastic population dynamics.” For more information on NIMBioS seminars, visit https://legacy.nimbios.org/announcements/seminar_calendar.