From left to right: Kelly Sturner, NIMBioS Education & Outreach Coordinator; Andrea Pugliese, Trento Univ.; Tony Jhwueng, Feng Chia Univ.; Louis Gross, NIMBioS Director
NIMBioS hit the trail to Albright Grove in Great Smoky Mountains National Park last weekend. The grove is an excellent example of old-growth cove hardwood forest, and includes giant hemlocks and tulip trees. Hikers included a Andrea Pugliese from Trento University, a participant in the investigative workshop Modeling Dengue Fever, as well as short term visitor and former NIMBioS postdoc Tony Jhwueng from Feng Chia University. Visitors to NIMBioS are encouraged to take advantage of our close proximity to the “Smokies,” and all the opportunities for recreation (and collaboration) it provides.