(Left to right) Sarah Collier, University of Dayton; Olatomiwa Lasebikan, Fisk University; Yanjie Liu, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Students from NIMBioS’ Research Experience for Underdergraduates (REU) joined undergraduates from colleges and universities all over the country to present their original research in a poster symposium last week in the University of Tennessee’s (UT) Baker Center Toyota Auditorium. The UT community and members of the public also attended the symposium.
Three UT research centers partnered in this shared UT STEM Symposium for their REU programs — their first such cooperation. Presenters also included participants in a Research Experience for Teachers (RET) and Young Scholars program for high school students. In all, more than 50 student and teacher researchers from CURENT, NIMBioS, and TN-SCORE featured 33 research and education posters in a showcase of great student and teacher research happening on campus this summer in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Presentation topics ranged from the development of natural pesticides to the use of modeling to understand waves occurring in the power grid.
All 18 of this year’s NIMBioS REU students participated, sharing six project posters. In addition, a poster was presented by two area high school students who have been working on a project advised by NIMBioS postdoctoral researcher Tucker Gilman.