Major Accomplishments: The 10th Annual Report from NIMBioS

NIMBioS’ 10th annual reporting period to the National Science Foundation, which largely supports the institute, recently concluded, and the 173-page report has been submitted to NSF. 

NSF requires its funded institutes to provide a variety of data as well as answering questions (see boxes at right) about our accomplishments and the impact of our activities. 

Some highlights from this year’s reporting period, which runs from September 2017 to August 2018, include:

  • NIMBioS hosted 10 Working Groups, two Investigative Workshops, two Tutorials, monthly XSEDE HPC workshops, five INCLUDES webinars, and many Education and Outreach activities.
  • There are projected to be more than 400 participants in NIMBioS-hosted activities during this period with 7 Postdoctoral Fellows in residence and 21 Short-term Visitors.
  • Participants from 15 countries and 40 U.S. states representing 181 different institutions.
  • International participants amounted to 10% of all participants.
  • Most participants were college or university faculty (46%), but undergraduates (13%), post-doctoral researchers (13%), and graduate students (8%) accounted for a significant fraction of participants.
  • Across all events female representation was 48%, and minority representation was 12%, which falls within ranges for doctoral recipients in the biological and mathematical sciences.
  • While the majority of participants identify themselves as being in fields of biological/biomedical sciences and mathematical sciences, there are a number of participants from the agricultural sciences/natural resources, health sciences, computer/information sciences, and others.
  • Activities at NIMBioS have led to 896 published journal articles on a range of subjects from January 2009-June 2018. Of those, 819 articles are indexed in the Institute for Scientific Information’s (ISI) Web of Science (WOS), span 104 discipline areas, and involve 2,355 researchers from 919 unique institutions spanning 61 countries. The WOS articles have appeared in 303 different journals, many of which are considered high-impact. The articles have been collectively cited 14,602 times, with an average of 17.92 cites per article and an h-index of 51. The cites per article is greater than either of the two major research fields of the publications during the last 10 years; mathematics (4.17 citers/paper) and biology (16.08 cites/paper). Ninety-eight participants have authored five or more papers each as a result of NIMBioS affiliated collaborations.

The full report can be found here.


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