NIMBioS is no longer accepting applications for new Accelerator Tutorials.
Accelerator Tutorials at NIMBioS provide both students and professionals in-depth, cross-disciplinary instruction in quantitative topics. Through Accelerator Tutorials, researchers master quantitative approaches within their own disciplines. Accelerator Tutorials help educators bring quantitative approaches to their classrooms.
Whether you are in academia, government or industry, Accelerator Tutorials help you learn the latest mathematical and computational approaches to solving complex or data intensive research problems.
Accelerator Tutorials run for 3 to 5 days with nationally and internationally recognized professors and researchers as instructors. Tutorials can be held on-site at NIMBioS or with virtual participants held live online at NIMBioS.
Accelerator Tutorials can provide you with the path to disseminating your research for broader impact.
Today grant applicants are expected to justify the "broader impact" of proposed research, and grant reviewers are expected to consider explicitly the adequacy of the proposal's resources for broader impacts. Accelerator Tutorials are one way to do that.
NIMBioS covers all expenses (travel, lodging and meals) for organizers/instructors. NIMBioS does not provide honoraria or stipends. Participants selected from the open applicant pool cover their own expenses and pay a nominal registration fee.
Researchers interested in organizing an Accelerator Tutorial should send a letter of interest to NIMBioS describing the proposed tutorial and the mathematical/computational concept(s) to be taught. The description should include names of 4 to 6 primary instructors/presenters, including the organizers. Organizers select the instructors. An additional 25 to 35 participants will be identified through an open application process.
1122 Volunteer Blvd., Suite 106
University of Tennessee
TN 37996-3410
PH: (865) 974-9334
FAX: (865) 974-9461
Contact NIMBioS