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Supplementary Material for Computational Thinking in Biology

Presented at All Students Session at National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) Professional Development Conference, Denver, November 2009

Some Freely Available Resources:

Biology-in-a-Box ( On-line instructional materials to accompany boxes containing many hands-on activities for high-school biology tied into standards for both biology and mathematics.

BioQUEST ( Large collection of resources on simulations in many areas of biology, including the BioQUEST Library Online, a peer-reviewed community publication of software simulations, tools, and datasets, and Biological ESTEEM (Excel Simulations and Tools for Exploratory, Experiential Mathematics), a collection of freely downloadable modules in many areas of biology.

Concord Consortium ( Collection of resources including software for simulations and probeware useful in teaching biology and other subjects.

iPlant Collaborative ( Modules that integrate mathematics into high school biology and biology into mathematics and distributed research projects for precollege and higher education levels.

General Biology Modules ( Modules for many sections of General Biology courses to illustrate new insight from high school level math.

Netlogo ( Collection of easily used simulation models for many problems in biology, chemistry, physics, etc. all using agent-based approaches. Able to run in a browser, but also available for download and the code to be modified.

Shodor Foundation ( Includes many resources for computational science education.

Society for Mathematical Biology ( Links to many programs and instructional resources for mathematics in biology.

Reports on Quantitative Biology Education:

BIO2010: Transforming Undergraduate Education for Future Research Biologists. National Academies report (2003) encouraging interdisciplinary education (

Vision and Change Transforming Undergraduate Education in Biology: Mobilizing the Community for Change ( Reports on conversations to reinvigorate undergraduate biology education.

Scientific Foundations for Future Physicians (HHMI and AAMC) ( Report on both medical school and undergraduate competencies for educating physicians.

Transforming Agricultural Education for a Changing World. ( National Academies Report encouraging move towards broader education for agriculture students.

Printable list: (PDF) (DOC)

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From 2008 until early 2021, NIMBioS was supported by the National Science Foundation through NSF Award #DBI-1300426, with additional support from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
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