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(Standing, L to R): Eungchun Cho, Chris Jones, Jackie Milton, Has Lemke, Carrie Eaton, Drew Lamar, Suzanne Lenhart, D.B. Poli, Greg Wiggins, Kristin Jenkins, John Jungck, Teresa Mourad; (Kneeling, L to R): Michael McLennan, Bob Sheehy |
Principal Investigators:
Carrie Eaton, Mathematics, Unity College, Unity MA
Michael Drew Lamar, Biology, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg VA
Dorothybelle Poli, Biology, Roanoke College, Salem VA
Robert Sheehy, Biology, Radford Univ., Radford VA
Anil Shende, Math/Computer Science/Physics, Roanoke College, Salem VA
Objectives: The purpose of this NSF Research Coordination Networks-Undergraduate Biology Education (RCN-UBE) incubator project is to create a central online hub for biologists and mathematicians to collaborate to improve students' understanding of quantitative reasoning. While online resources such as repositories of classroom materials exist to help instructors modify their curricula, there is no central location where instructors can come together to work on interdisciplinary teaching. The QUBES Consortium will be a streamlined educational repository with a direct link to a Facebook-like social interface, which would allow individuals to discuss different teaching submissions, pedagogies, and philosophies in an efficient manner. The QUBES hub will provide an online nucleus of collaboration, discovery and synthesis in quantitative biology curricula. This goal will be facilitated by extensive collaboration with multiple professional societies (e.g. Society for Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Society of America, National Institute for Mathematical Biology and Synthesis) who share in this common goal.
For more information, visit http://www.qubeshub.org/
This project is funded jointly by the Directorate for Biological Sciences and the Directorate of Education and Human Resources, Division of Undergraduate Education, in support of efforts to address the challenges posed in Vision and Change in Undergraduate Education: A Call to Action (http://visionandchange.org/finalreport/). For more details, visit https://www.collectiveip.com/grants/NSF:1346584.
Donovan S, Wojdak J, LaMar MD, Eaton CD, Poli DB, Sheehy R, Gower S. 2014. Collaborative Research: BIO IUSE Ideas Lab: Supporting faculty in Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis (QUBES). NSF. $2.9 million. Accepted. [Award 1446258] [Award 1446269] [Award 1446284]
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