Lodging is reserved at the:
Hampton Inn & Suites
618 West Main Street
Knoxville, TN 37902
Phone (865) 522-5400
Fax (865) 522-4100
Call the hotel directly to make your reservations.
This hotel is within walking distance of the conference center where the Conference will be held and offers downtown convenience. Additional accommodations include: complimentary breakfast, complimentary parking, fitness center and heated indoor pool, and high-speed Internet access.
A block of rooms are reserved for this event for 10/22/09-10/25/09 with group rates as follows:
Room Block:
10/22/09----$109 (20) Standard Double Queen Rooms
10/23/09----$109 (25) Standard Double Queen Rooms, $115 (10) Queen Suites & (15) King Suites
10/24/09----$109 (20) Standard Double Queen Rooms, $115 (5) Queen Suites
Taxes per room are 17.25%. If schools are tax-exempt, please present a valid tax exemption form to the hotel upon arrival.
Reservation & Guarantee Method:
All rooms will be guaranteed with individual credit cards per the standard reservation method.
All rooms must be reserved by September 29, 2009, to get the group rate and have assured availability.
If you are applying for NIMBioS support for this conference, please indicate your needs on the registration form. The registration deadline has been extended until September 15, 2009 for those requesting NIMBioS accommodation support for lodging. NIMBioS will be making reservations for participants receiving support. These rooms will be reserved at the Four Points Sheraton. Decisions on funding will be based on participant diversity and student representation.
1122 Volunteer Blvd., Suite 106
University of Tennessee
TN 37996-3410
PH: (865) 974-9334
FAX: (865) 974-9461
Contact NIMBioS