Collaborative Activities with Related NSF-funded Centers | Year |
Joint International Synthesis Center Consortium Meeting, September 2016, Fort Collins, CO. | 2016 |
Joint Mathematics Meeting open house, co-sponsored by NSF Mathematics Institutes, 6-9 January 2016, Seattle, WA. | 2016 |
Joint 2016 MBI-NIMBioS-CAMBAM Summer Graduate Workshop on Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Disease Spread, 13-22 June 2016, at MBI, Columbus, OH. | 2016 |
NIMBioS Tutorial: Evolutionary Quantitative Genetics, co-sponsored by the American Society of Naturalists, 8-12 August 2016, at NIMBioS, Knoxville, TN. 2016 | 2016 |
NSF Mathematics Institutes' Modern Math Workshop, 12-13 October 2016, Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science's (SACNAS) 2016 Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA. | 2016 |
The Blackwell-Tapia Conference & Awards Ceremony, co-sponsored by NSF Mathematics Institutes, 28-29 October 2016, Knoxville, TN. | 2016 |
Joint Mathematics Meeting open house, co-sponsored by NSF Mathematics Institutes, 10-13 January 2015, San Antonio, TX. | 2015 |
Joint International Synthesis Center Consortium Meeting, January 2015, Lepzig, Germany. | 2015 |
NIMBioS Tutorial: Evolutionary Quantitative Genetics, co-sponsored by the American Society of Naturalists, 10-15 August 2015, at NIMBioS, Knoxville, TN. | 2015 |
Joint 2015 MBI-NIMBioS-CAMBAM Summer Graduate Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics in Biological Systems, 1-12 June 2015, at McGill University, Montreal, QC. Canada. | 2015 |
Mathematics of Planet Earth+ Workshop: Education for the Planet Earth of Tomorrow, co-sponsored by DIMACS, Sept 30-October 2, 2015 at NIMBioS, Knoxville, TN. | 2015 |
NSF Mathematics Institutes' Modern Math Workshop, 28-29 October 2015, Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science's (SACNAS) 2015 Annual Conference, Washington, DC. | 2015 |
Ecology & Evolution Events, 29-31 October 2015, Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science's (SACNAS) 2015 Annual Conference, Washington, DC. | 2015 |
Joint Mathematics Meeting open house, co-sponsored by NSF Mathematics Institutes, 15-18 January 2014, Baltimore, MD. | 2014 |
Spring Opportunities Workshop for Women in the Mathematical Sciences, co-sponsored by NSF Mathematics Institutes, 9-11 April 2014, at NIMBioS, Knoxville, TN. 2014 | 2014 |
Joint 2014 MBI-NIMBioS-CAMBAM Summer Graduate Workshop on Rhythms and Oscillations, 7-18 July 2014, at MBI, Columbus, OH. | 2014 |
NIMBioS Tutorial: Evolutionary Quantitative Genetics, co-sponsored by NESCent and the American Society of Naturalists, 4-9 August 2014, at NIMBioS, Knoxville, TN. 2014 | 2014 |
NSF Mathematics Institutes' Modern Math Workshop, 15-16 October 2014, Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science's (SACNAS) 2014 Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA. | 2014 |
Ecology & Evolution Events, 16-18 October 2014, Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science's (SACNAS) 2014 Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA. | 2014 |
Joint Mathematics Meeting open house, co-sponsored by NSF Mathematics Institutes, & education session co-sponsored by Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 9-12 January 2013, San Diego, CA. | 2013 |
Joint 2013 MBI-NIMBioS-CAMBAM Summer Graduate Workshop on Connecting Mathematical Models to Biological Data, 17-28 June 2013, at NIMBioS, Knoxville, TN. | 2013 |
NSF Mathematics Institutes' Modern Math Workshop, 2-3 October 2013, Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science's (SACNAS) 2013 Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. | 2013 |
Joint International Synthesis Center Consortium Meeting, October 2013, Aix-en-Provence, France. | 2013 |
Ecology & Evolution Events, 3-6 October 2013, Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science's (SACNAS) 2013 Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. | 2013 |
Joint Mathematics Meeting open house, co-sponsored by NSF Mathematics Institutes, & education session co-sponsored by Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 4-7 January 2012, Boston, MA. | 2012 |
Coordinators of Education and Outreach and Communication (CEOC) Meeting, 23-24 February 2012, NIMBioS, Knoxville, TN | 2012 |
Joint 2012 MBI-NIMBioS-CAMBAM Summer Graduate Workshop on Stochastics Applied to Biological Systems, 18-29 June 2012. Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. | 2012 |
NSF Mathematics Institutes' Modern Math Workshop, 10-11 October 2012, Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science's (SACNAS) 2012 Annual Conference, Seattle, WA. | 2012 |
Ecology & Evolution Events, 10-14 October 2012, Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science's (SACNAS) 2012 Annual Conference, Seattle, WA. | 2012 |
Joint Mathematics Meetings, January 6-9, New Orleans, LA, open house co-sponsored by NSF Mathematics Institutes and education session co-sponsored by Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. | 2011 |
The Joint Synthesis Center Postdoctoral Symposium, April 17 - 20, at the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) | 2011 |
Migration from the Desktop: HPC application of R and other codes for biological research, NIMBioS Tutorial, May 9-11, co-sponsored by Remote Data Analysis and Visualization Center | 2011 |
Cyberinfrastructure for Collaborative Science Workshop, May 18 - 20, at the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) | 2011 |
2011 Summer Graduate Workshop, July 25- August 5, Columbus, OH, co-sponsored by Mathematical Biosciences Institute (MBI), NIMBioS, and Centre for Applied Mathematics in Bioscience and Medicine (CAMBAM) | 2011 |
Ecology & Evolution Events, 26-27 October 2011, Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science's (SACNAS) 2011 Annual Conference, San Jose, CA. | 2011 |
NSF Mathematics Institutes' Modern Math Workshop, 26-27 October 2011, Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science's (SACNAS) 2011 Annual Conference, San Jose, CA. | 2011 |
Joint Mathematics Meetings, January 13-16, San Francisco, CA, open house co-sponsored by NSF Mathematics Institutes. | 2010 |
Evaluation Meeting for NSF Biology-Related Research and Education Centers, May 7, at NIMBioS (PDF Summary) | 2010 |
Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, (SIAM) Conference on Life Sciences, July 12-15, Opportunities and Research at NESCent, MBI and NIMBioS | 2010 |
Coordinators of Education and Outreach and Communications (CEOC) Meeting, September 27-28, at NCEAS in Santa Barbara. (PDF Summary) | 2010 |
Math Institutes Modern Math Workshop, Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science' (SACNAS) Annual Conference, September 29-30, co-sponsored by all US-based NSF Mathematics Institutes | 2010 |
Fast, Free Phylogenies: HPC for Phylogenetics NIMBioS Tutorial, October 13-15, co-sponsored by iPlant and National Institute for Computational Sciences | 2010 |
Center for Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS) Workshop on Mathematical Challenges for Sustainability, Nov. 15 - 17, Piscataway, NJ. Workshop report: Mathematical and Statistical Challenges for Sustainability, published by American Mathematical Society | 2010 |
Joint Mathematics Meetings, January 5-8, Washington, D.C., open house co-sponsored by NSF Mathematics Institutes. | 2009 |
National Association of Biology Teachers Professional Development Conference (PDF), November 11-14, Denver, CO, Computational Thinking in Biology for All Students, session co-sponsored by iPlant | 2009 |
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