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Past NIMBioS Postdoctoral Fellow

Julia Earl

Julia Earl photo. Dates: August 2012 – August 2014
Personal website
Twitter: @Julia_E_Earl
Project Title: Using animal movement models to predict active subsidies

Julia Earl (Ph.D. Biological Sciences, Univ. of Missouri, 2012) builds spatially explicit individual-based models to determine how movement ecology affects spatio-temporal patterns of cross-ecosystem transfer of energy and nutrients (subsidies). Upon completing her fellowship at NIMBioS, Dr. Earl accepted a position as a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management at Oklahoma State University studying the effects of climate change on wildlife. She is now an Assistant Professor in the School of Biological Sciences at Louisiana Tech University.

LiveScience Profile Q&A with Dr. Earl: Ecologist strives to improve human-animal co-habitation

NIMBioS Seminar: Animal behavior and ecosystems: Linking movement ecology to spatial subsidies

Video Interview: Movement ecology

Feature Story: Study predicts ranavirus as potential new culprit in amphibian extinctions

Publications while at NIMBioS

  • Earl et al. 2016. ​Effects of timber harvest on small mammal captures in experimental forestry plots​. Animal Biology, 66(3-4): 347. [Online]
  • Earl et al. 2016. Ranavirus could facilitate local extinction of rare amphibian species. Oecologia 2016:1-13. doi:10.1007/s00442-016-3682-6. [Online]
  • Gray MJ, Brunner JL, Earl JE, Ariel E. In press (2015). Design and analyses of ranavirus studies with a focus on assessing risk. In: M.J. Gray and V.G. Chinchar, eds. Ranaviruses: Lethal Pathogens of Ectothermic Vertebrates. Springer.
  • Earl JE, Semlitsch RD. 2015. Effects of tannin source and concentration from tree leaves on two species of tadpoles. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 34(1): 120-126. [Online]
  • Earl JE, Whiteman HH. 2015. Are Commonly Used Fitness Predictors Accurate? A Meta-analysis of Amphibian Size and Age at Metamorphosis. Copeia, 103(2):297-309. [Online]
  • Earl JE, Zollner PA. 2014. Effects of animal movement strategies and costs on the distribution of active subsidies across simple landscapes. Ecological Modelling, 283(10): 45-52. [Online]
  • Earl JE, Castello PO, Cohagen KE, Semlitsch RD. 2014. Effects of subsidy quality on reciprocal subsidies: How leaf litter species changes frog biomass export. Oecologia, 175(1): 209-218. [Online]
  • Pauley LR, Earl JE, Semlitsch RD. 2014. Ecological effects and human use of commercial mosquito insecticides in aquatic communities. Journal of Herpetology. [Online]
  • Earl JE, Semlitsch RD. 2013. Carryover effects in amphibians: Are characteristics of the larval habitat needed to predict juvenile survival? Ecological Applications, 23(6): 1429-1442. [Online]
  • Earl JE, Semlitsch RD. 2013. Spatial subsidies, trophic state, and community structure: Examining the effects of leaf litter input on ponds. Ecosystems, 16(4): 639-651. [Online]
  • Peterman WE, Rittenhouse TAG, Earl JE, Semlitsch RD. 2013. Demographic network and multi-season occupancy modeling of Rana sylvatica reveal spatial and temporal patterns of population connectivity and persistence. Landscape Ecology, 28(8): 1601-1613. [Online]

Presentations while at NIMBioS

  • Earl JE. June 2014. Animals as ecosystem connectors: Does their movement path matter? Biomath Program, Fisk University, Nashville, TN.
  • Earl JE. February 2014. Moving resources between systems: Reciprocal and active subsidies. Seminar, Oak Ridge National Lab, Oak Ridge, TN.
  • Earl JE, Gray MJ. 2013. Capability of ranavirus to cause extinction in local populations of wood frogs. Wildlife Disease Association, Knoxville, TN.
  • Earl JE, Gray MJ, Sutton WB. 2013. Ranavirus could speed up extinction for the endangered frog, Rana Sevosa. Ranavirus Symposium, Knoxville, TN.
  • Earl JE. April 2013. Poster: Effects of animal movement ecology on the spatial distribution of active subsidies. Systems Ecology Symposium, University of Georgia's Odum School of Ecology.

Grants/Proposals while at NIMBioS

Earl J, Gray M, Sutton W, Miller D. 2013-2014. Determining the extinction probability for the most endangered frog in North America (Rana sevosa) following exposure to the emerging pathogen, ranavirus. Morris Animal Foundation Grant. $40,224. Accepted.

Media Coverage

Frog population decline linked to killer pathogen. LiveScience

Is ranavirus behind frog population declines? Science 2.0

Main NIMBioS Postdoc page

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From 2008 until early 2021, NIMBioS was supported by the National Science Foundation through NSF Award #DBI-1300426, with additional support from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
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