NIMBioS Past Postdoctoral Fellow
Sean Hoban
Dates: September 2013 – December 2015
Personal Website
Twitter: @seanmhoban
Project Title: Developing simulation-based sampling guidelines for conserving the genetic resources of rare or economically important plant species
Sean Hoban (Ph.D. Biology, Univ. of Notre Dame, 2010) uses population and genetic models as well as optimization techniques to develop practical guidelines for ex situ conservation of plants for botanic gardens, seed banks, and breeding programs.
Upon completing his fellowship at NIMBioS, Dr. Hoban accepted a position as a tree conservation biologist at the Morton Arboretum in Lisle, IL.
LiveScience Profile Q&A with Dr. Hoban:
Conservation efforts not just for tree huggers
NIMBioS Seminar:
How to plan an effective and efficient population genetics sampling strategy: Markers, samples, and spatial considerations
Video Interview:
Seed saver
Feature Stories:
Publications while at NIMBioS
Hoban S, Kelley JL, Lotterhos KE, Antolin MF, Bradburd G, Lowry DB, Poss ML, Reed LK, Storfer A, Whitlock MC. 2016. Finding the genomic basis of local adaptation: Pitfalls, practical solutions, and future directions. The American Naturalist 188(4).
Read Q, Hoban S, Schweitzer J, Eppinga M, and Bailey J. 2016. Accounting for the nested nature of genetic variation across levels of organization improves our understanding of biodiversity and community ecology. Oikos. [Link]
Read Q, Hoban S, Schweitzer J, Eppinga M, and Bailey J. 2016. Accounting for the nested nature of genetic variation across levels of organization improves our understanding of biodiversity and community ecology. Oikos. [Link]
Krueger-Hadfield S, Hoban S. 2016. The importance of effective sampling for exploring the population dynamics of haplo-diploid organisms. Journal of Phycology. [Link]
Vernesi C, Hoban S, Pecchioli E, Crestanello B, Bertorelle G, Rosá R, Hauffe H. 2016. Ecology, environment and evolutionary history influence genetic structure in five mammal species from Italian Alps. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. [Link]
Benazzo A, Ghirotto S, Vilaca ST, Hoban S. 2015. Using ABC and microsatellite data to detect multiple introductions of invasive species from a single source. Heredity, (2015): 1-11. [Link]
Cornetti L, Ficetola GF, Hoban S, Vernesi C. 2015. Genetic and ecological data reveal species boundaries between viviparous and oviparous lizard lineages. Heredity. [Link]
Hoban S. 2014. An overview of the utility of population simulation software in molecular ecology. Molecular Ecology, 23(10): 2383-2401. [Link]
Hoban S, Arntzen JA, Bruford MW, Godoy JA, Hoelzel AR, Segelbacher G, Vila C, Bertorelle G. 2014. Comparative evaluation of potential indicators and temporal sampling protocols for monitoring genetic erosion. Evolutionary Applications, 7(9): 984-998. [Link]
Hoban SM, McCleary TS, Schlarbaum SE, Romero-Severson J. 2014. Spatial genetic structure in 21 populations of butternut, a temperate forest tree (Juglans cinerea L.), is correlated to spatial arrangement, habitat, and land-use history. Forest Ecology and Management, 314: 50-58. [Link]
Hoban SM, Mezzavilla M, Gaggiotti OE, Benazzo A, van Oosterhout C, Bertorelle G. 2013. High variance in reproductive success generates a false signature of a genetic bottleneck in populations of constant size: A simulation study. BMC Bioinformatics, 14: 1309. [Link]
Hoban S, Strand A. 2015. Ex situ seed collections will benefit from considering spatial sampling design and species' reproductive biology. Biological Conservation, 187: 182-191. [Link]
Hoban S, Strand A, Fraga N, Richards C, Schlarbaum S. 2015. Developing quantitative seed sampling protocols using simulations: A reply to comments from Guja et al. and Guerrant et al. Biological Conservation, 184: 469-470. [Link]
Hoban S, Schlarbaum S. 2014. Optimal sampling of seeds from plant populations for ex-situ conservation of genetic biodiversity, considering realistic population structure. Biological Conservation, 177: 90-99. [Link]
Hoban et al. 2013. Conservation genetic resources for effective species survival (ConGRESS): Bridging the divide between conservation research and practice. Journal for Nature Conservation, 21(6): 433-437. [Link]
Laricchia KM, McCleary TS, Hoban SM, Borkowski D, Romero-Severson J. 2015. Chloroplast haplotypes suggest preglacial differentiation and separate postglacial migration paths for the threatened North American forest tree Juglans cinerea L. Tree Genetics and Genomes 11(2). [Link]
Russo IR, Hoban S, Bloomer P, Kotzé A, Segelbacher G, Rushworth I, Birss C, Bruford MW. 'Intentional Genetic Manipulation' as a conservation threat. 2018. Conservation Genetics Resources 2018:1-1. [Link]
Zenni RD, Hoban SM. 2015. Loci under selection during multiple range expansions of an invasive plant are mostly populationāspecific, but patterns are associated with climate. Molecular Ecology. [Link]
Presentations while at NIMBioS
- (2015) Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, United Kingdom; invited speaker.
- (2015) International Congress for Conservation Biology. Montpelier, France (presentation).
- (2015) National Native Seed Conference. Santa Fe, NM (presentation).
- (2014) Department of Biology, College of Charleston. Charleston, SC; invited speaker.
- (2014) Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Gardens. Claremont, CA; invited speaker.
- (2014) USDA National Seed Lab. Ft. Collins, CO; invited speaker.
- (2014) Invasion Genetics Symposium, the Baker and Stebbins Legacy. Asilomar, CA (poster).
- (2014) Botany. Boise, ID; invited symposium speaker (presentation).
- (2014) Evolution. Raleigh, NC (presentation available).
- Hoban S. 14 January 2014. How to plan an effective and efficient population genetics sampling strategy: Markers, samples, and spatial considerations. NIMBioS Seminar Series, NIMBioS, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. [Link]
Data/Software while at NIMBioS
Hoban S, Ghirotto S, Vilaca S, Benazzo A. 2015. Data from: Using ABC and microsatellite data to detect multiple introductions of invasive species from a single source. Dryad Digital Repository. [Link]
Hoban S, Arntzen JA, Bruford MW, Godoy JA, Hoelzel AR, Segelbacher G, Vila C, Bertorelle G. 2014. Data from: Comparative evaluation of potential indicators and temporal sampling protocols for monitoring genetic erosion. Dryad Digital Repository. [Link]
Hoban S. 4 August 2015. Conservation genetics in action. Round Table Discussion, International Congress for Conservation Biology, Montpelier, France.
Media Coverage
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From 2008 until early 2021, NIMBioS was supported by the
National Science Foundation
through NSF Award #DBI-1300426, with additional support from
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
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