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Past NIMBioS Postdoctoral Fellow

Elizabeth Hobson

Elizabeth Hobson photo. Dates: June 2014 – May 2016
Personal Website
Project Title: The evolution of social complexity across taxa.

Elizabeth Hobson (Ph.D. Biology, New Mexico State Univ., Las Cruces, 2013) integrates methods related to the evolution of social complexity across taxa. Following her fellowship, Hobson accepted a position as a postdoctoral fellow at the Santa Fe Institute.

LiveScience Profile Q&A with Dr. Hobson: Parrot pecking order hints at humans' social lives

NIMBioS Seminar: Emergent social properties and the evolution of social complexity Video icon.

Feature Stories
   Being social: Learning from the behavior of birds – New study elucidates the social world of parrots
   Mental math helps monk parakeets find their place in pecking order

Video Interview: NIMBioS Science Minute: Bird Behavior

Publications while at NIMBioS

Edelaar P, et al. 2015. Shared genetic diversity across the global invasive range of the monk parakeet suggests a common restricted geographic origin and the possibility of convergent selection. Molecular Ecology, 24(9): 2164-2176. [Online]

Hobson EA, DeDeo S. 2015. Social feedback and the emergence of rank in animal society. PLOS Computational Biology. [Online]

Hobson EA, John DJ, Mcintosh TL, Avery ML, Wright TF. 2015. The effect of social context and social scale on the perception of relationships in monk parakeets. Current Zoology, 61(1): 55-69. [PDF]

Hobson EA, Avery ML, Wright TF. 2014. The socioecology of Monk Parakeets: Insights into parrot social complexity. AUK 131(4):756-775. [Online]

Media Coverage

Main NIMBioS Postdoc page

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From 2008 until early 2021, NIMBioS was supported by the National Science Foundation through NSF Award #DBI-1300426, with additional support from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
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