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Past NIMBioS Postdoctoral Fellow

Emily Moran

Emily Moran photo. Dates: September 2010 – May 2012
Personal website
Project Title: Community genetics and global change: scaling up genotype-level plant responses to population and community dynamics
As a NIMBioS postdoctoral fellow, Emily Moran (Ph.D. Biology, Duke Univ., 2010) investigated the impact of increasing CO2 on inter-genotype competition and plant-insect interactions in aspen forests in order to develop a modeling framework that could be applied to other forest communities. Upon completing her fellowship at NIMBioS, Dr. Moran accepted a position as postdoctoral researcher at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich.

NIMBioS Seminar: Community genetics and global change: Effects of tree genotype and atmospheric pollutants on population and community dynamics

Feature Story: Into the forest: Scientist seeks answers to how plant communities respond to change

Video Interview: Changing forests

Publications while at NIMBioS

Barton BH, Moran E. 2013. Measuring diversity on the Supreme Court with biodiversity statistics. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 10(1): 1-34. [Online].

Moran EV, Bewick S, Cobbold C. 2013. Effects of plant genotype and insect dispersal rate on the population dynamics of a forest pest. Ecology, 94(12): 2792-2802. [Online]

Moran EV, Kubiske ME. 2013. Can elevated CO2 and ozone shift the genetic composition of aspen (Populus tremuloides) stands? New Phytologist, 198(2): 466-475. [Online].

Moran EV, Clark JS. 2012. Between-site differences in the scale of dispersal and gene flow in red oak. PLoS One 7(5):e36492. [Online].

Moran EV, Clark JS. 2012. Causes and consequences of unequal seedling production in forest trees: A case study in red oaks. Ecology, 93(5): 1082-1094. [Online].

Moran EV, Willis J, Clark JS. 2012. Genetic evidence for hybridization in red oaks (Quercus sect. Lobatae, Fagaceae). American Journal of Botany 99(1):92-100. [Online]

Moran EV, Clark JS. 2011. Estimating seed and pollen movement in a monoecious plant: A hierarchical Bayesian approach integrating genetic and ecological data. Molecular Ecology, 20(6): 1248-1262. [Online].

Main NIMBioS Postdoc page

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From 2008 until early 2021, NIMBioS was supported by the National Science Foundation through NSF Award #DBI-1300426, with additional support from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
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