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Past NIMBioS Postdoctoral Fellow

Calistus Ngonghala

C. Ngonghala photo. Dates: August 2011 – September 2013
Personal website
Project Title: A new model with vector demography for the dynamics of malaria transmission
Calistus Ngonghala (Ph.D. Mathematics, West Virginia Univ. 2011) developed a mathematical model to study the role of mosquito demography in the dynamics of malaria transmission and also studyied the interplay between per capita income and infectious disease prevalence. Upon completing his fellowship at NIMBioS, Dr. Ngonghala accepted a postdoctoral position at Harvard School of Public Health and is now a research fellow in the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School.

NIMBioS Seminar: Backward bifurcation and periodic oscillations in model for the dymamics of malaria transmission

Feature Story: Solving the malaria problem mathematically: Ngonghala investigates the interplay of disease and poverty

Video Interview: The dynamics of malaria

Publications while at NIMBioS

​Ngonghala CN, Teboh-Ewungkem MI, Ngwa GA. 2016. Observance of period-doubling bifurcation and chaos in an autonomous ODE model for malaria with vector demography. Theoretical Ecology, 9(3): 337. [Online] ​

Ngonghala C, Mohammed-Awel J, Zhao R, Prosper O. 2016. Interplay between insecticide-treated bed-nets and mosquito demography: implications for malaria control. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 397(2016): 179–192. [Online]

Gaoue OG, Ngonghala CN, Jiang J, Maud L. 2015. Towards a mechanistic understanding of the synergistic effects of harvesting timber and non-timber forest products. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

Ngonghala CN, Del Valle SY, Zhao R, Mohammed-Awel J. 2014. Quantifying the impact of decay in bed-net efficacy on malaria transmission. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 363(21): 247-261. [Online]

Ngonghala CN, Plucinski MM, Murray MB, Farmer PE, Barrett CB, Keenan DC, Bonds MH. 2014. Poverty, disease, and the ecology of complex systems. PLoS Biology, 12(4): e1001827. [Online]

Ngonghala CN, Teboh-Ewungkem MI, Ngwa GA. 2014. Persistent oscillations and backward bifurcation in a malaria model with varying human and mosquito populations: Implications for control. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 70(7): 1581-1622. [Online]

Ngwa GA, Wankah TT, Fomboh-Nforba MY, Ngonghala CN, Teboh-Ewungkem MI. 2014. On a reproductive stage-structured model for the population dynamics of the malaria vector. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 76(10): 2476-2516. [Online]

Patel et al. 2014. Experimental observation of extreme multistability in an electronic system of two coupled Rossler oscillators. BioPortfolio, 89(2): 022918. [Online]

Agusto FB, Del Valle SY, Blayneh KW, Ngonghala CN, Goncalves MJ, Li N, Zhao R, Gong H. 2013. The impact of bed-net use on malaria prevalence. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 320: 58-65. [Online].

Magombedze G, Ngonghala CN, Lanzas C. 2013. Evaluation of the "Iceberg Phenomenon" in Johne's Disease through mathematical modelling. PLoS ONE, 8(10): e76636. [Online]

Plucisnki MM, Ngonghala C, Getz WM, Bonds MH. 2013. Clusters of poverty and disease emerge from feedbacks on an epidemiological network. Journal of The Royal Societ Interface, 10(80): 20120656. [Online]

Teboh-Ewungkem MI, Ngwa GA, Ngonghala CN. 2013. Models and proposals for malaria: A review. Mathematical Population Studies: An International Journal of Mathematical Demography, 20(2): 57-81. [Online]

Ngonghala CN, Ngwa GA, Teboh-Ewungkem MI. 2012. Periodic oscillations and backward bifurcation in a model for the dynamics of malaria transmission. Mathematical Biosciences, 240(1): 45-62. [Online]

Presentations while at NIMBioS

Ngonghala C. January 2013. Poverty traps driven by feedback between economics and the ecology of infectious diseases. Master of Public Health Lecture, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sant'e Publique (EHESP), Paris, France.

Ngonghala C. October 2012. Understanding mosquito demography can improve malaria control: New mathematical modeling insights. Computational and Applied Mathematics Seminar, Purdue University.

Ngonghala C. October 2012. The role of stochasticity and safety nets in breaking disease-induced poverty traps. Modern Mathematics Workshop, SACNAS Conference, Seattle, WA.

Ngonghala C. 2012 October. Epidemiology meets ecology: How understanding insects helps fight disease. Scientific Symposium, SACNAS Conference, Seattle, WA.

Ngonghala C. 2012 August. The impact of insecticide impregnated bed-nets, indoor residual spraying, and treatment. Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Biosciences Institute (MBI), The Ohio State University.

Ngonghala C. July 2012. Mosquito demography and nourishment habits can account for observed patterns in malaria transmission. Society for Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting, Knoxville, TN.

Media Coverage

Calistus N. Ngonghala: Break the vicious cycles of poverty and disease. Scientific American Guest Blog.

Main NIMBioS Postdoc page

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From 2008 until early 2021, NIMBioS was supported by the National Science Foundation through NSF Award #DBI-1300426, with additional support from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
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