Past NIMBioS Postdoctoral Fellow
Lauren Smith-Ramesh
Dates: October 2016 - February 2019
Personal website
Project Title: Invasive plants in a food-web context: Indirect effects on native communities and ecosystems
Lauren Smith-Ramesh (Biology, Indiana Univ., 2014) is investigating invasive plants in a food-web context and the direct and indirect effects to native communities and ecosystems.
After completing her fellowship, Smith-Ramesh became a Visiting Scholar at NIMBioS.
NIMBioS Profile:
Q&A with Dr. Smith-Ramesh
NIMBioS Seminar: Placing species invasions in a food web context: A new twist on old invasion hypotheses
Watch seminar online.
Video Interview:
Food webs and species invasions
Feature Article:
Climate change may favor large plant eaters over small competitors
Publications while at NIMBioS
Smith-Ramesh LM. 2018. Predators in the plant-soil feedback loop: Aboveground plant-associated predators may alter the outcome of plant-soil interactions. Ecology Letters.
Smith-Ramesh LM, Rosenblatt AE, Schmitz OJ. 2018. Multivariate climate change can favor large herbivore body size in food webs. American Naturalist.
Smith-Ramesh LM. In press. A new resource on the mathematics of invasion: A review of Invasion Dynamics, by Cang Hui and David M. Richardson Oxford University Press, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2017, x + 322 pp, ISBN 978-0-19-874534-1. Biological Invasions. Invited by editor-in-chief.
Delavaux CS, Smith-Ramesh LM, Kuebbing SE. 2017. Beyond nutrients: a meta-analysis of the diverse effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on plants and soils. Ecology, 8(98): 2111. [Online]
Smith-Ramesh LM. In press. Book Review: Leslie Anthony, The aliens among us: How invasive species are transforming the planet – and ourselves. Biological Invasions.
Smith-Ramesh LM. 2017. Invasive plant alters community and ecosystem dynamics by promoting native predators. Ecology. doi:10.1002/ecy.168. [Online]
Smith-Ramesh LM, Reynolds HL. 2017.
The next frontier of plant-soil feedback research: unraveling context dependence across biotic and abiotic gradients. Journal of Vegetation Science.
Presentations while at NIMBioS
- Smith-Ramesh LM. 2017. Native predators and invasive plants interact to alter the role of plant-soil feedback as an invasion driver. Invited for Organized Oral Session at Ecological Society of America 102nd Annual Meeting: Plant-Soil Interactions in a Changing World: Exploring the interface between global change drivers and plant-soil feedbacks.
- Smith-Ramesh LM. April 2017. Food web properties and the causes and consequences of species invasions. American Mathematical Society Central Sectional Meeting, Bloomington, Indiana.
Media Coverage
Main NIMBioS Postdoc page
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From 2008 until early 2021, NIMBioS was supported by the
National Science Foundation
through NSF Award #DBI-1300426, with additional support from
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
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