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NIMBioS Postdoctoral Fellow

Oyita Udiani

Oyita Udiani photo. Dates: January – August 2017
Phone: 865-974-4873
Personal Website
Project Title: Learning in models of animal behavior: A novel game-theoretical approach

Oyita Udiani (Applied Mathematics for the Life & Social Sciences, Arizona State Univ.) is using colony founding behavior in paper wasps (Polistes spp.) to develop a framework for the study of learning in games with stochastic payoffs. Upon completing his fellowship, Dr. Udiani accepted a position as Postdoctoral Fellow with NSF and is currently a NIMBioS Targeted Postdoctoral Fellow working on a project in the lab of Nina Fefferman.

NIMBioS Seminar: Mathematical models of social dynamics and task organization in animal societies, Jan 31, 2017. Watch online Video icon.

Video Interview: Learning in models of animal behavior

Main NIMBioS Postdoc page

1122 Volunteer Blvd., Suite 106
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996-3410
PH: (865) 974-9334
FAX: (865) 974-9461
Contact NIMBioS

From 2008 until early 2021, NIMBioS was supported by the National Science Foundation through NSF Award #DBI-1300426, with additional support from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
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