Participant | Institutional affiliation | Meetings |
Jason Andrews | Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine, School of Medicine, Stanford Univ. | 1 |
Matthew Bonds | Harvard Medical School | 1 |
Renato Casagrandi | Electronics, Information Science and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano (Italy) | 1,2 |
*Giulio De Leo | Biology, Hopkins Marine Station, Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford Univ. | 1,2 |
Marisa Eisenberg | School of Public Health, Univ. of Michigan | 1 |
Christopher Hoover | Univ. of California, Berkeley School of Public Health | 1,2 |
Suzanne Lenhart | NIMBioS; Mathematics, Univ. of Tennessee | 1,2 |
Lorenzo Mari | Politecnico di Milano, Italy | 1 |
*Calistus Ngonghala | Mathematics and Emerging Pathogens Inst., Univ. of Florida, Gainesville | 1,2 |
*Justin Remais | School of Public Health, Univ. of California, Berkeley | 1,2 |
Andrea Rinaldo | ECHO | Laboratoire d'Ecohydrologie, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland) | |
Jim Sanchirico | Environmental Science & Policy, Univ. of California, Davis | 1,2 |
Nourridine Siewe | Univ. of British Columbia | 1,2 |
Suzanne H. Sokolow | Biology, Hopkins Marine Station; Center for Innovation in Global Health, Stanford Univ. | 1,2 |
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