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Blood cell image.

Participant List for NIMBioS Investigative Workshop:

Modeling blood cell interactions (MBCI), June 5-7, 2013

ParticipantInstitutional affiliation
Faisal Ahmed Georgia Institute of Technology
Cyrus AidunMechanical Engineering, Georgia Tech
Rodney AverettMechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
Gilda BarabinoBiomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
Mariana Carrasco-TejaChemical Engineering, Univ. of Michigan
Scott DiamondChem. & Biomolecular Eng., Univ. of Pennsylvania
Amanda DiegelMathematics, Univ. of Tennessee
Lola Eniola-AdefesoChem. Eng, Univ. of Michigan
Thomas Fai New York Univ.
Dmitry FedosovInstitute of Complex Systems, Research Center Juelich
Aaron FogelsonMath., Univ. of Utah
Bingmei FuBiomedical Engineering, City College of the City Univ. of New York
Daniel Hammer Univ. of Pennsylvania
Daniel Hariprasad Univ. of Arizona
Ken JacobsonCell & Developmental Biol., UNC Chapel Hill
*Damir B. Khismatullin Tulane Univ., New Orleans, LA
*Konstantinos Konstantopoulos Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD
Angela LeeAerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Southern California
David LepzelterBiomedical Engineering, Boston Univ.
Xuejin LiApplied Mathematics, Brown Univ.
Yi MaoMicrobiology, Boston Univ.
Kathrin MüllerInstitute of Complex Systems, Forschungszentrum Jülich
Zhangli PengNanomechanics Lab, MIT
Manu PlattBiomedical Eng., Georgia Tech and Emory Univ.
Emmanuel Quansah Clarkson Univ.
Katarzyna RejniakIntegrated Math. Oncology, Moffitt Cancer Ctr
Anne RidleyCell & Molecular Biophysics, King's College London
Timothy SecombPhysiology, Univ. of Arizona
Scott SimonBiomedical Eng., UC-Davis
Tyler SkorczewskiMathematics, Univ. of Utah
Magdalena StolarskaMath., Univ. of St. Thomas
Wendy ThomasBioeng., Univ. of Washington
George TruskeyBiomedical Eng., Duke Univ.
Shravan VeerapaneniMathematics, Univ. of Michigan
Kwai Wong Univ. of Tennessee
Cheryl Zapata-AllegroMathematics, Univ. of Utah
*Workshop organizer

Updated 06/10/2013

NIMBioS Investigative Workshops include up to 35 participants, of which up to 17 are pre-selected by the organizers; the remainder are selected through an open application process. The above is a preliminary list of expected participants.

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From 2008 until early 2021, NIMBioS was supported by the National Science Foundation through NSF Award #DBI-1300426, with additional support from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
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