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Participant List for DySoC/NIMBioS Investigative Workshop:

Extending the Theory of Sustainability, December 5-7, 2018

ParticipantInstitutional affiliation
Joshua AbbottLife Sciences, Arizona State Univ.
Matthew Agarwala Environmental Economics, London School of Economics
Paul ArmsworthEcology & Evolutionary Biology, Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville
Julie C. BlackwoodMathematics and Statistics, Williams College
Jeremy BrooksSchool of Environment and Natural Resources, The Ohio State Univ.
Charlotte ChangNIMBioS, Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville
William C. Clark Sustainability Science Program, Harvard Univ.
Thomas DietzCenter for Systems Integration and Sustainability, Michigan State Univ.
James ElserLife Sciences, Arizona State Univ.
*Eli Fenichel Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale Univ.
Marc FleurbaeyWoodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton Univ.
David FrankPhilosophy and Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville
Stephie FriedBusiness, Arizona State Univ.
*Sergey GavriletsDySoC/NIMBioS; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Mathematics, Univ. of Tennessee
Sathya Gopalakrishnan Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics, The Ohio State Univ.
Gabriel GrancoGeography, Kansas State Univ.
Alan HastingsEnvironmental Science and Policy, Univ. of California, Davis
Sara Hastings-SimonAlberta clean economy program, Pembina Institute
Elena IrwinAgricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics, The Ohio State Univ.
Brooks KaiserManagement and Economics of Resources and the Environment, Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics, Univ. of Southern Denmark
Bonnie KeelerInstitute on the Environment, Univ. of Minnesota
Glenn-Marie LangeResources Global Practice, The World Bank
Maria LeiteBiological Sciences, Univ. of South Florida Saint Petersburg
Derek LemoineEconomics, Univ. of Arizona
Christy LeppanenEcology & Evolutionary Biology, Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville
Manfred MillinskiMax Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Ploen
Bruno NkuiyaEconomics, Univ. of Alberta
Lisa PlattSSIE, Binghamton Univ.
*Peter Richerson Environmental Science and Policy, Univ. of California, Davis
Maria J. SantosGeography, Univ. of Zurich
Maja SchlüterStockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm Univ.
Charles SimsBaker Center for Public Policy; Economics, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville
Anastasia ThayerAgricultural Economics, Texas A&M Univ. College Station
Tim WaringEconomics, Univ. of Maine
Ian Sue WingEarth & Environment, Boston Univ.
Rintaro Yamaguchi National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)
*Workshop organizers

Updated 12/02/2018

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From 2008 until early 2021, NIMBioS was supported by the National Science Foundation through NSF Award #DBI-1300426, with additional support from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
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