Short-term visitors to NIMBioS are supported for periods up to one week to assist their efforts in carrying out research that conforms to the mission of NIMBioS to foster research at the interface between mathematics and biology.
Click here for a calendar listing NIMBioS visitors for the year.
Gesham Magombedze (Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Imperial College)
Project Title: Immunological modeling of paratuberculosis
Gesham Magombedze is developing deterministic and stochastic mathematical models to predict and explain combinations of potential cattle immune response mechanisms that can explain the fecal shedding patterns observed in cattle with Johne's disease.
Visit Dates: December 7-11, 2015
Erin Baerwald (American Wind Energy Inst.), Robert Barclay (EEB, Univ. of Calgary), Laura López-Hoffman (Environmental Policy, Univ. of Arizona), Gary McCracken (EEB, Univ. of Tennessee), Rodrigo Medellin (Ecology, Univ. of Mexico), Wayne Thogmartin (Quantitative Ecology, USGS), Luis Viquez (Ecology, Univ. Ulm), and Ruscena Widerholt (Ecology, Univ. of Arizona)
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(L to R): Viquez, López-Hoffman, Medellin, Thogmartin, Wiederholt, McCracken, Baerwald, Barclay |
Project Title: Sub-group on bat migration analysis of the NIMBioS Working Group: Habitat for Migratory Species
This subgroup met at the UT Field Station to test the application of the Working Group's habitat metrics to three different migratory bat species.
Visit Dates: November 11-13, 2015
Sean Maxwell (ARC Center of Excellence for Environmental Decisions, The Univ. of Queensland).
Project Title: Biophysical and socio-economic preconditions for successful forest preservation
Maxwell is collaborating on a project with Paul Armsworth to link biophysical and socio-economic conditions with models of forest preservation and loss.
Visit Dates: November 4-10, 2015
Summary Report
Nick Matzke (Research School of Biology, The Australian National University)
Project Title: Integrating multi‐regime models with phylogenetic species distribution modeling
Dr. Matzke is collaborating on a project with Brian O'Meara and Jeremy Beaulieu to develop methods to convert the output from the R package, OUwie, into a form suitable for use in estimating the phyloSDM (Phylogenetic Species Distribution Modeling).
Visit Dates: October 23-November 6, 2015
Huda Sarraj (Educational Psychology, Univ. of Texas, Arlington)
Huda Sarraj is collaborating on a project to expand NIMBioS Evaluation Services with Pam Bishop.
Visit Dates: October 15-18, 2015
Thomas Currie (Biosciences, Univ. of Exeter)
Project Title: Modeling the evolution of institutions for large-scale social organizations
Thomas Currie is collaborating on a project with Sergey Gavrilets to construct statistical and computational models to examine the emergence of complex societies.
Visit Dates: October 11-17, 2015
Summary Report
Samares Pal (Mathematics, Univ. of Kalyani)
Project Title: Mathematical modeling of macroalgal allelopathy in the emergence of coral diseases
Samares Pal is collaborating on a project with Suzanne Lenhart to model macroalgal allelopathy in the emergence of coral diseases.
Visit Dates: October 2-5, 2015
Summary Report
Stuart Pimm (Doris Duke Professor of Conservation, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke Univ.)
Seminar topic: The laws of biodiversity and what we do not understand about them
Visit Dates: September 28, 2015
Elizabeth Bradley (Computer Science, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, and NIMBioS Postdoctoral Fellows Invited Distinguished Visitor)
Seminar topic: Chaos and control
Visit Dates: September 22-23, 2015
Sara Usher (Politics and International Relations, Oxford Univ.)
Project Title: Modeling human conflict and cooperation as a consequence of global climate change
Sara Usher will collaborate on a project with Matt Zefferman to develop novel methods for the field of political ecology to answer questions about why some societies are more prone to conflict or cooperation in response to climate change.
Visit Dates: September 7-14, 2015
Summary Report
Maya Chhetri (Mathematics and Statistics, Univ. of North Carolina, Greensboro)
Project Title: Population model with constant yield harvesting
Chhetri will is collaborating with Suzanne Lenhart on the topic of optimal control of harvesting in a steady state PDE model with allee effect.
Visit Dates: September 1-11, 2015
Souvik Bhattacharya (Mathematics, Univ. of Trento)
Project Title: Vector host-feeding preferences and seasonal variation in the dynamics of West Nile Virus
Souvik Bhattacharya is collaborating on a project with Suzanne Lenhart to develop a model to predict West Nile behavior under influence of seasonality and preferential vector feeding patterns.
Visit Dates: August 9-21, 2015
Summary Report
Tony Jhwueng (Statistics, Feng-Chia Univ.)
Project Title: Modeling trait evolution with hybridization and stabilizing selection: the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model
Tony Jhwueng is continuing collaborations with Brian O'Meara and others in his lab on phylogenetic comparative methods.
Visit Dates: July 15-Aug 31, 2015
Summary Report
Ilyssa Summer (Math, Arizona State Univ.)
Project Title: Investigating oncolytic virotherapy strategies
Ilyssa Summer is collaborating with Angela Peace on a project to develop and analyze mathematical models of oncolytic viral therapy strategies.
Visit Dates: July 14-18, 2015
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(Clockwise from L): Archer, Liggins, Strand, DePrenger-Levin, Hoban (Not pictured: Parobek) |
Allan Strand (Biology College of Charleston), Eric Archer (Marine Mammal Genetics Group, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA), Michelle DePrenger-Levin (Denver Botanic Gardens), Libby Liggins (Evolutionary Ecology, Massey Univ.), Christian Parobek (Medicine, Genetics, and Molecular Biology, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
Project Title: An extensible, general, framework for population genetic simulation using R
Allan Strand, Eric Archer, Michelle DePrenger-Levin, Libby Liggins and Christian Parobek are collaborating on a project with Sean Hoban to further development of an R package to increase accessibility of population genetic simulation frameworks.
Visit Dates: July 13-16, 2015
Publication: Parobek CM, Archer FI, DePrenger-Levin ME, Hoban SM, Liggins L, Strand AE. 2016. skeleSim: an extensible, general framework for population genetic simulation in R. Molecular Ecology Resources. [Online]
David Gurarie (Mathematics & Statistics, Case Western Reserve Univ.)
Project Title: Within-host parasite-immune dynamics for multi-strain malaria infection: Evolution of virulence and malaria therapy data analysis.
David Gurarie is collaborating with Vitaly Ganusov on a project to analyze an in-host malaria system with multiple parasite strains and variants.
Visit Dates: June 21-28, 2015
Adriane Lam (Geological Sciences, Ohio Univ.)
Project Title: Modeling dispersal pathways of the Late Ordovician Richmondian Invasion.
Collaborator: Nick Matzke
Adriane Lam is collaborating with Nick Matzke on a project to model dispersal routes of invertebrate taxa.
Visit Dates: June 4-6, 2015
Summary Report
Publication: Lam AR, Stigall AL, Matzke NJ. 2018. Dispersal in the Ordovician: Speciation patterns and paleobiogeographic analyses of brachiopods and trilobites. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 489: 147-165. [Online]
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(L to R): Agusto, Chen, Leite |
Maria Leite (Math & Statistics, Univ. of South Florida); Benito Chen (Math, Univ. of Texas, Arlington); Folashade Agusto (Math, Austin Peay Univ.)
Project Title: Maximizing harvesting profit and minimizing insect outbreak disturbances in forests
Leite, Chen and Agusto are collaborating on a project to investigate the mechanisms of harvesting-beetles outbreaks-forest interactions via mathematical models.
Visit Dates: June 4-7, 2015
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(L to R): Hopkins, Ferguson |
John "Jack" Hopkins (Biological Sciences, Univ. of California, San Diego)
Project Title: Integrating proportional diet estimates and population dynamics to improve inferences of the functional response
Jack Hopkins is collaborating with NIMBioS postdoc Jake Ferguson to couple proportional diet estimates from stable isotope analysis with time series data to improve inferences on the intake rate of a consumer.
Visit Dates: June 1-5, 2015
Summary Report
Hopkins III JB, Ferguson JM, Tyers DB, Kurle CM. 2017. Selecting the best stable isotope mixing model to estimate grizzly bear diets in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. PLoS ONE 12(5): e0174903
Guihong Fan (Mathematics and Philosophy, Columbus State Univ.)
Project Title: Optimal control of vector populations in vector-borne diseases driven by daily weather
Guihong Fan will collaborate with Suzanne Lenhart on optimal control of vector populations in vector-borne diseases taking into account the influence of daily weather.
Visit Dates: May 14 - June 14, 2015
Chris Baker (BioSciences, The Univ. of Melbourne)
Project Title: Optimal control of invasive species eradication using multiple control methods
Chris Baker is collaborating on a project with Paul Armsworth and Suzanne Lenhart to use multiple control methods to investigate optimal control of invasive species eradication.
Visit Dates: May 9-15, 2015
Baker CM, Armsworth PR, Lenhart SM. 2017. Handling overheads: Optimal multi-method invasive species control. Theoretical Ecology. doi:10.1007/s12080-017-0344-1 [Online]
Alexey Surnov (Dresden Univ. of Technology)
Project Title: Mathematical modeling of lymphocyte dynamics and competition
Alexey Surnov is collaborating with Vitaly Ganusov on a project to develop models of how stochastic perturbations of proliferative capacities of two lymphocyte populations affect competition for nutrients or for stimulators.
Visit Dates: April 22-25, 2015
Summary Report
Mats Gyllenberg (Mathematics and Statistics, Centre of Excellence in Analysis and Dynamics, Univ. of Helsinki)
Project Title: Functional responses and how they evolve by natural selection
Dr. Gyllenberg discussed his research with Sergey Gavrilets and Louis Gross, met with postdoctoral fellows, and gave a seminar.
Seminar topic: Functional responses and how they evolve by natural selection
Visit Dates: April 19-22, 2015
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(L to R): Matzke, Soto-Trejo, Massana |
Fabiola Soto-Trejo (IBiological Sciences, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico)
Project Title: Probabilistic inference of the biogeographic history of Brickellia (Asteraceae, Eupatorieae)
Fabiola Soto-Trejo is collaborating on a project with Nick Matzke, Katie Massana and Ed Schilling to investigative the probabilistic inference of the biogeographic history of Brickellia (Asteraceae, Eupatorieae)
Visit Dates: April 7-27, 2015
Gwen Iacona (ARC Center of Excellence for Environmental Decisions, Univ. of Queensland)
Project Title: Contracting mechanisms in a multiplayer game of funding biodiversity conservation
Dr. Iacona is collaborating on a project with Paul Armsworth to extend a game theoretic model to include contracting mechanisms developed while a NIMBioS GRA.
Visit Dates: March 27-April 11, 2015
Kehinde R. Salau (Alliance Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Mathematics, Univ. of Arizona)
Dr. Salau gave a seminar and met with NIMBioS researchers to explore potential collaborations.
Visit Dates: March 24-26, 2015
Seminar topic: Taking a moment to measure networks - A hierarchical approach
Laurent Excoffier (Population Genetics CMPG Lab, Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Univ. of Bern)
Laurent Excoffier (left) visited with NIMBioS postdoctoral fellows, including Jake Ferguson (right), and gave a seminar as a NIMBioS Postdoctoral Fellow Invited Distinguished Visitor.
Visit Dates: March 9-10, 2015
Seminar topic: Consequences of spatial expansions on population functional diversity
Alan de Queiroz (Univ. of Nevada, Reno)
Project Title: Advancing models of dispersal in historical biogeography
Dr. de Queiroz will collaborate with Nick Matzke and others to devise more advanced parametric models of dispersal in historical biogeography. He is also the keynote speaker for UT's Darwin Day.
Visit Dates: February 10-13, 2015
Stacy Krueger-Hadfield (Grice Marine Lab, College of Charleston)
Project Title: Generating guidelines for population genomic sampling of haploid-diploid populations
Stacy Krueger-Hadfield is collaborating with Sean Hoban on a project to develop population and genomic sampling strategies for an invasive red seaweed.
Visit Dates: Feb 9-13, 2015
Summary Report
Michael Lynch (Biology, Indiana Univ. Bloomington)
Michael Lynch visited with NIMBioS postdoctoral fellows and gave a seminar as a NIMBioS Postdoctoral Fellow Invited Distinguished Visitor.
Seminar topic: Mutation, drift and the origin of subcellular features
Visit Dates: Feb 8-10, 2015
Laura Saila (Geosciences and Geography, Univ. Helsinki)
Project Title: Integrating supertrees and fossil databases to test biogeographic models on Neogene mammals.
Dr. Saila is collaborating on a project with Nick Matzke to incorporate phylogenetic supertrees, the NOW Database, and biogeographic modeling to investigate the biogeographic history of Neogene mammals in changing environments.
Visit Dates: February 7-17, 2015
Kamuela Yong (Mathematics & Statistical Sciences, Arizona State Univ.)
Kamuela Yong visited NIMBioS to meet with NIMBioS postdoctoral fellows, Suzanne Lenhart and Paul Armsworth to discuss common interests in ecological and epidemiological models.
Visit Dates: January 29-30, 2015
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(L to R): Widerholt, Earl, Federico, Sample, Norris. Not pictured: Fryxell |
Julia Earl (Natural Resources Ecology & Management, Oklahoma State Univ.); Paula Federico (Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics, Capital Univ., Columbus, Ohio); John Fryxell (Integrative Biology, Univ. of Guelph); Ryan Norris (Integrative Biology, Univ. of Guelph); Christine Sample (Mathematics, Emmanuel College); and Ruscena Wiederholt (Natural Resources, Univ. of Arizona)
Project Title: Subgroup on network and perturbation analyses of the NIMBioS Working Group: Habitat for Migratory Species
This subgroup is investigating a habitat contribution metric through network analysis with the help of a network mathematician.
Visit Dates: January, 23-25, 2015
Visitors work on-site at NIMBioS and may link the visit with a Working Group or other activity at NIMBioS. Visitors receive reimbursement for travel and housing expenses as well as a per diem.
Applications can include any type of interdisciplinary synthesis project, but NIMBioS particularly welcomes collaborative projects. Such collaborations might involve NIMBioS resident researchers or staff or local researchers; joint applications from two or more researchers to spend time together at NIMBioS; or applications from participants in other NIMBioS activities to work on their project with NIMBioS computational science staff.
Applications are considered four times a year, with deadlines on March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1. Applications are evaluated in terms of both the scientific value of the project and the qualifications of the applicant. Particular priority is given to students and junior researchers.
For more information about short-term visits and how to apply, click here.
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University of Tennessee
TN 37996-3410
PH: (865) 974-9334
FAX: (865) 974-9461
Contact NIMBioS