NIMBioS supports short-term visitors to NIMBioS for periods up to one week to assist their efforts in carrying out research that conforms to the mission of NIMBioS to foster research at the interface between mathematics and biology. NIMBioS no longer provides financial support for Sabbatical Fellows, but is open to requests for self-supported visits not needing financial support lasting up to several months duration, with the length of stay determined by the objectives of the proposed project.
Click here for a calendar listing of NIMBioS visitors for the year.
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(L to R) Bintz, Lenhart |
Jason Bintz and Suzanne Lenhart collaborated on a research project on a spatial-temporal model and corresponding optimal control of resource allocation in a diffusion population. Bintz is a former NIMBIoS graduate research assistant.
Visit dates: December 20-21, 2018
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(L to R) Gross, Robeva, Jungck |
John Jungck and Raina Robeva are collaborating with Louis Gross on projects related to quantitative education in biology. Jungck also gave a seminar.
Visit Dates: October 1-3, 2018
Seminar: John Jungck, Exploring nanobiological structures with 3D nanotomography, 4D printing via self-assembly, and graph theory, 3:30 p.m Tuesday, October 2, at NIMBioS in Claxton, Room 206.
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(L to R) Small, Jordan, Lenhart, Edholm |
Project Title: Modeling Bureli Ulcer Disease in Benin
Pamela Small and Heather Jordan are collaborating on a project with Suzanne Lenhart and Christina Edholm to investigate the dynamics and spread of Bureli Ulcer Disease in Benin using data-driven models.
Visit dates: September 23-27, 2018
Seminar: Tragedy of open ecosystems
Visit dates: September 16-21, 2018
Seminar: Climate change and tipping points for seabird colonies in the Pacific Northwest
Visit dates: September 4, 2018
Project Title: Heterogeneity in epidemiological models: From malaria to the opioid crisis
Olivia Prosper is collaborating on a project with Suzanne Lenhart to develop epidemiological models that incorporate heterogeneity to study malaria and the opioid crisis.
Visit dates: August 22 - December 16, 2018
Project Title: Mathematical modeling of treatments of Retinitis Pigmentosa
Luis Melara is collaborating on a project with Suzanne Lenhart to develop optimal control models for treatment of Retinitis Pigmentosa.
Visit dates: August 17 - December 16, 2018
Seminar: Optimal control of treatments for retinitis pigmentosa
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(L to R) Fan, Lenhart |
Project Title: Modeling West Nile Virus
Guihong Fan is collaborating on a project with Suzanne Lenhart to develop a model of West Nile Virus in mosquitoes, humans and birds with an emphasis on dynamics driven by temperature.
Visit Dates: August 3-7, 2018
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(L to R) Fefferman, Price |
Project Title: Understanding the influence of multilayer networks on animal/human behavior
Candice Price is collaborating with Nina Fefferman to develop novel mathematical metrics for studying multi-layer networks influence on animal and human behavior.
Visit Dates: July 25-August 1, 2018
Project Title: On the condition of phylogenetic trees for comparative analysis
Tony Jhwueng is collaborating with Brian O'Meara to investigate a numerical parameter estimation issue in phylogenetic comparative methods.
Visit Dates: July 23 - August 9, 2018
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(L to R) Tilman, Chang, McManus, Gross |
Project Title: Modeling fishing-hunting transitions with implications for biodiversity and food security
Lisa McManus and Andrew Tilman are collaborating on a project with Charlotte Chang to develop a model to elucidate the socio-economic drivers that constrain an individual's decision to harvest in terrestrial vs. marine systems.
Visit dates: July 4–12, 2018
Simon Carrignon is collaborating on a project with Alex Bentley and Michael Gilchrist to apply the tools of evolutionary biology toward modeling cultural evolution.
Visit dates: June 4-30, 2018
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(L to R) Acevedo, Siewe, Prosper, Ruktanonchai |
Project Title: Spatial complexities in vector-borne disease dynamics: Theory and applications in lizard and human malaria
Miguel Acevedo, Nick Ruktanonchai, and Olivia Prosper will collaborate with Nourridine Siewe on a project to develop theory and design experiments for investigating the influence of spatial complexity in vector-borne disease dynamics.
Visit Dates: May 31-June 2, 2018
Project Title: Developing a cost-effective payment system for forest carbon sequestration
Xiangping Lui is conducting postdoctoral research for the labs of Paul Armsworth and Seong-Hoon Cho on a USDA-sponsored project to design payment mechanisms for carbon sequestration on forest land.
Visit Dates: May 2-TBA, 2018
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(L to R) Lenhart, Hilker |
Frank Hilker is collaborating on a project with Suzanne Lenhart and Danielle Burton on discrete models for timing of harvest rates in population models.
Visit dates: March 15-22, 2018
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(L to R) Fordyce, Marion |
Zachary Marion is collaborating on a project with James Fordyce to develop prediction and causal inference models to examine interactions within plant-insect microbial networks.
Visit Dates: March 13-24, 2018
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(L to R) DeSilva, Lenhart |
Kokum DeSilva is collaborating on a project with Suzanne Lenhart to develop population cooperative models with spatial and temporal features for investigating the effects of available resources and choice of movement directions.
Visit dates: March 12-16, 2018
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(L to R) Siewe, Che |
Project Title: Risk structured model of cholera infections in Cameroon
Eric Ngang Che is collaborating on a project with NIMBioS postdoctoral fellow Nourridine Siewe on a project to develop a high and low risk structured model of cholera infection dynamics in Cameroon.
Visit Dates: March 9-17, 2018
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(L to R) Chang, Drohan |
Project Title: Hunting as an optimal stopping problem in indiscriminate harvesting systems
Sarah Drohan is collaborating on a project with NIMBioS postdoctoral fellow Charlotte Chang on predicting threshold value of body mass under which it is not optimal for a hunter to shoot.
Visit Dates: January 15-26, 2018
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(L to R) Lenhart, Levy |
Ben Levy is collaborating with Suzanne Lenhart, Orou Gauoe, and Christina Edholm on a project to develop models of plant and insect communities in Benin. He is also collaborating on a project with Lenhart, Edholm and Daniel Burton to develop elephant population models using data from Amboselli Park, Kenya.
Visit Dates: January 15-16, 2018
1122 Volunteer Blvd., Suite 106
University of Tennessee
TN 37996-3410
PH: (865) 974-9334
FAX: (865) 974-9461
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