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REU 2012 organizers and participants |
Eighteen undergraduates participated in the 2012 NIMBioS Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), June 11-August 3, 2012. During the eight-week program, participants lived on campus at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UT), and worked in teams with NIMBioS postdocs and UT faculty to conduct research at the interface of mathematics and biology. The award included a stipend, housing and some funding to support travel.
Click on the names below for comments from some of the 2012 REU participants.
Andre Perez
Major: Biology
School: Univ. of Texas, El Paso
Hometown: Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico
REU Research Project: Modeling protein translation and genome evolution
Anthony Rhoads
Major: Mathematics
School: McKendree University
Hometown: Litchfield, IL
REU Research Project: Modeling early evolution of human immunodeficiency virus
Arielle Nivens
Major: Mathematics
School: Maryville College
Hometown: Kingston Springs, TN
REU Research Project: Modeling salmonella transmission in swine
Jessica Welch
Majors: Mathematics, Statistics
School: University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Hometown: Kingsport, TN
REU Research Project: Harnessing the arsenal of nature: Developing natural pesticides
Olatomiwa Lasebikan
Major: Computer Science
School: Fisk Univ.
Hometown: Lagos, Nigeria
REU Research Project: Modeling the evolution of sexual imprinting
Sarah Bogen
Major: Mathematics
School: Capital Univ.
Hometown: Norwalk, OH
REU Research Project: Agent-based mathematical model for Johne's disease epidemiology and economy
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MC students
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Student Excels in Summer Research Program
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Main NIMBioS Summer Research Experiences page
For further information about the program, please contact Kelly Sturner, Education and Outreach Coordinator, NIMBioS (Email: wiggybug_at_nimbios.org) or Dr. Suzanne Lenhart, Associate Director of Education, Outreach, and Diversity, NIMBioS (Email: lenhart_at_math.utk.edu).
1122 Volunteer Blvd., Suite 106
University of Tennessee
TN 37996-3410
PH: (865) 974-9334
FAX: (865) 974-9461
Contact NIMBioS