Dr. Julia Earl
Dr. Sean Hoban
When species are of conservation concern, populations at the edge of their geographic range are thought to decline before populations that are more centrally located. This is likely due to decreased genetic variability and/or lower habitat suitability leading to lower individual fitness in edge populations. In this project, populations from the center and edge of the ranges of various species will be compared using a meta-analysis. Meta-analysis is a statistical technique allowing researchers to combine the results of many different independent studies to come to a consensus and identify gaps in knowledge. Other variables will be included, such as evolutionary history, life history and habitat type.
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Student participants, from left: Brittany Boribong, Biomathematics, University of Scranton; Michelle Cruz, Biotechnology, California State University, San Marcos; Fangyuan Hong, Mathematics/Environmental Studies, Mount Holyoke College |
Abstract of project report (PDF)
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