NIMBioS 2015 Event Calendar Archive | |
January 2015 | |
Jan 1 | NIMBioS administrative offices are closed for New Year's Day. |
Jan 7-9 | NIMBioS Working Group: Expanding Data Nuggets, 1st meeting |
Jan 15-16 | NIMBioS Investigative Workshop: Lymphoid Cells in Acute Inflammation. Descriptive Flyer (PDF) |
Jan 19 | NIMBioS administrative offices are closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. |
Jan 21-23 | NIMBioS Working Group: 'Pretty Darn Good' Control: Extensions of optimal control for ecological systems, 4th meeting |
Jan 26-29 | NIMBioS Working Group: Migratory Habitat, 2nd meeting |
Jan 27 |
*NIMBioS Seminar.
Suzanne O'Regan (NIMBioS postdoctoral fellow)
Topic: Detecting critical transitions in infectious disease dynamics |
February 2015 | |
Feb 10 10:30 a.m. Rm 105 |
*NIMBioS Special Seminar.
Dr. Stacy Krueger-Hadfield (Grice Marine Laboratory, College of Charleston)
Topic: Brokedown life cycles: Implications of the haploid-diploid life cycle on macroalgal population genetics |
Feb 10 3:30 p.m. |
*NIMBioS Seminar.
Michael Lynch**
(Biology, Indiana Univ., Bloomington)
Topic: Mutation, drift and the origin of subcellular features |
Feb 11-13 | NIMBioS Working Group: Evolution of Institutions, 2nd meeting |
Feb 23-25 | NIMBioS Working Group: Modeling Antimicrobial Resistance Intervention, 2nd meeting |
Feb 24 Canceled |
*NIMBioS Seminar.
Caroline Farrior (NIMBioS postdoctoral fellow)
Topic: Plant traits and the importance of competition among individuals |
Feb 25 9 a.m. |
*NIMBioS Special Seminar.
Julio Ramirez (Division of Infectious Diseases, Univ. of Louisville)
Topic: Pneumonia: Clinical & translational research at the University of Louisville |
Feb 27 1–5 p.m. |
NIMBioS/XSEDE/NICS Tutorial: Using R for HPC |
March 2015 | |
Mar 2-4 | NIMBioS Investigative Workshop: Large-scale Modeling of Olfactory Processing Descriptive Flyer (PDF) |
Mar 10 |
*NIMBioS Seminar.
Laurent Excoffier** (Population Genetics CMPG Lab, Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Univ. of Bern)
Topic: Consequences of spatial expansions on population functional diversity |
Mar 11-13 | NIMBioS Investigative Workshop: Neurobiology of Expertise. Descriptive Flyer (PDF) |
Mar 25 Wednesday |
*NIMBioS Special Seminar.
Kehinde R. Salau, Alliance Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Mathematics, Univ. of Arizona
Topic: Taking a moment to measure networks – A hierarchical approach |
Mar 30-Apr 2 | NIMBioS Working Group: Vector Movement and Disease, 1st meeting |
Mar 31 |
*NIMBioS Seminar.
Xiaopeng Zhao
(Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville)
Topic: Multiscale Modeling of Complex Parasitic Transmission Mechanisms |
April 2015 | |
Mar 30-Apr 2 | NIMBioS Working Group: Vector Movement and Disease, 1st meeting |
Apr 3 | NIMBioS administrative offices are closed for Spring holiday. |
Apr 7 |
*NIMBioS Seminar.
Caroline Farrior (NIMBioS postdoctoral fellow)
Topic: Plant traits and the importance of competition among individuals |
Apr 8-10 | NIMBioS Working Group: Leptospirosis Modeling, 1st meeting |
Apr 8-10 |
NIMBioS Investigative Workshop:
Information and Entropy in Biological Systems. Descriptive Flyer (PDF) |
Apr 15-17 |
NIMBioS/SAMSI/ESA Graduate Workshop:
Current Issues in Statistical Ecology
Descriptive Flyer (PDF) |
Apr 20-24 | NIMBioS Working Group: Climate Proxies, 1st meeting |
Apr 21 |
*NIMBioS Seminar.
Mats Gyllenberg, Mathematics and Statistics, Univ. of Helsinki
Topic: Functional responses and how they evolve by natural selection |
May 2015 | |
May 6-9 | NIMBioS Working Group: Evolution of Institutions, 3rd meeting |
May 11-14 | NIMBioS Working Group: Dispersal Biogeography, 1st meeting |
May 11-15 | NIMBioS Working Group: Biotic Interactions, 4th meeting |
May 25 | NIMBioS administrative offices are closed for Memorial Day. |
May 26-28 |
NIMBioS Investigative Workshop:
Malaria-Leishmania Co-infection.
Descriptive Flyer (PDF) |
May 26-29 | NIMBioS Working Group: Plant-Soil Feedback Theory, 4th meeting |
June 2015 | |
Jun 1-3 | NIMBioS Working Group: Climate Change and Vector-borne Diseases, 3rd meeting |
Jun 1-12 | Joint CAMBAM-MBI-NIMBioS Summer School |
Jun 3-6 | NIMBioS Working Group: Computational Landscape Genomics, 2nd meeting |
Jun 8-Jul 31 | Summer Research Experiences (SRE) at NIMBioS for Undergraduates and Teachers |
Jun 10-12 | NIMBioS Working Group: Ecological Network Dynamics, 1st meeting |
Jun 15-19 | NIMBioS Working Group: DEB Model for Trees, 2nd meeting |
Jun 22-25 |
Research Collaboration Workshop for Women in Mathematical Biology.
Descriptive Flyer (PDF) |
July 2015 | |
Jun 8-Jul 31 | Summer Research Experiences (SRE) at NIMBioS for Undergraduates and Teachers |
Jul 3 | NIMBioS administrative offices are closed for Independence Day. |
Jul 6-10 | Adventures in STEM Camp |
Jul 7-9 |
NIMBioS Investigative Workshop:
Many-cell System Modeling
Descriptive Flyer (PDF) |
Jul 20-22
A BioQUEST Workshop at NIMBioS - Biology by Numbers: Bringing Math to the High School Biology Classroom |
Jul 20-23 | NIMBioS Working Group: Migratory Habitat, 3rd meeting |
Jul 27-28 | NIMBioS Investigative Workshop: Computational Advances in Microbiome Research (CAMR) |
Jul 27-31 | NIMBioS Working Group: Nonautonomous Systems and Terrestrial C-cycle, 4th meeting |
Jul 28 3:30 Rm 206 |
Special presentation:
Matt Kane (Program Director, Division of Environmental Biology, NSF)
Topic: Funding Opportunities in Biology at the National Science Foundation Descriptive Flyer |
Jul 31 9-12 Rm 206 |
Summer Research Experiences (SRE) Final Talks |
August 2015 | |
Aug 10-15 |
NIMBioS Tutorial:
Evolutionary Quantitative Genetics 2015
Descriptive Flyer (PDF) |
Aug 25 105 Claxton |
*NIMBioS Seminar.
Anthony Mezzacappa (Director, Joint Institute for Computational Sciences)
Topic: The Joint Institute for Computational Sciences: The Skinny Descriptive Flyer (PDF) |
September 2015 | |
Sep 2-4 |
NIMBioS Investigative Workshop:
Morphological Plant Models
Descriptive Flyer (PDF) |
Sep 7 | NIMBioS administrative offices are closed for Labor Day. |
Sep 8 |
*NIMBioS Seminar.
Nels Johnson (NIMBioS postdoctoral fellow)
Topic: Nonparametric Bayesian functional equivalence models for community data |
Sep 14-18 | NIMBioS Working Group: Leptospirosis Modeling, 2nd meeting |
Sep 16-18 |
NIMBioS Investigative Workshop:
Evolution and Warfare
Descriptive Flyer (PDF) |
Sep 22 |
*NIMBioS Seminar.
Elizabeth Bradley (Computer Science, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder)
Topic: Chaos and control |
Sep 28 3:30 Mon |
*NIMBioS Seminar.
Stuart Pimm (Doris Duke Professor of Conservation, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke Univ.)
Topic: The laws of biodiversity — and what we do not understand about them |
Sep 30-Oct 2 | Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013+ Workshop: Education for the Planet Earth of Tomorrow |
October 2015 | |
Sep 30-Oct 2 | Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013+ Workshop: Education for the Planet Earth of Tomorrow |
Oct 6 |
*NIMBioS Seminar.
Chuck Price (Plant Biology, Univ. of Western Australia; NIMBioS Sabbatical Fellow)
Topic: Flow similarity, stochastic branching, and quarter power scaling in plants |
Oct 13 |
*NIMBioS Seminar.
Megan Rúa (NIMBioS Postdoctoral Fellow)
Topic: Fantastic Fungi! Exploring the ecological and evolutionary forces which shape host-microbe interactions |
Oct 20 |
*NIMBioS Seminar.
Quentin Johnson (NIMBioS postdoctoral fellow)
Topic: Utilizing computational methods to predict allosteric networks in protein complexes |
Oct 22-24 | NIMBioS Working Group: Teaching Quantitative Bio, 1st meeting |
Oct 26-29 | NIMBioS Working Group: Vector Movement and Disease, 2nd meeting |
Oct 26-30 | NIMBioS Working Group: Evolutionary Approaches to Sustainability, 3rd meeting |
Oct 31 | SHADES: Sharing Adventures in Engineering and Science - An Interactive Colloquium in Science and Engineering for 6th and 7th Grade Girls and Teachers. Location: NIMBioS |
November 2015 | |
Nov 2-3 | NIMBioS Advisory Board Meeting |
Nov 3 |
*NIMBioS Seminar.
Steven Wise (Mathematics, Univ. of Tennessee)
Topic: Some mixture models for tissue growth with applications in spatiotemporal cancer modeling |
Nov 3-5 | NIMBioS Working Group: Climate Proxies, 2nd meeting |
Nov 10 |
*NIMBioS Seminar.
Richard Schugart (Mathematics, Western Kentucky Univ.; NIMBioS Sabbatical Fellow)
Topic: Can mathematics heal all wounds? |
Nov 16-20 | NIMBioS Working Group: Modeling Molecules-to-Organisms, 1st meeting |
Nov 16-20 | NIMBioS Working Group: Modeling Organisms-to-Ecosystems, 1st meeting |
Nov 21-22 |
Seventh Annual Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Mathematics and Biology. Descriptive Flyer (PDF) |
Nov 26-27 | NIMBioS administrative offices are closed for Thanksgiving. |
December 2015 | |
Dec 1-3 | NIMBioS Working Group: Spatial Cell Simulations, 1st meeting |
Dec 7-11 | NIMBioS Working Group: Ecological Network Dynamics, 2nd meeting |
Dec 9-11 | NIMBioS Working Group: Cooperation and Cognition, 1st meeting |
Dec 14-16 | NIMBioS Working Group: Multiscale Vectored Plant Viruses, 1st meeting |
Dec 15-17 | NIMBioS Working Group: Climate Change and Vector-borne Diseases, 4th meeting |
Dec 21-25 | NIMBioS administrative offices are closed for Winter holiday. |
*NIMBioS Seminars and Teatime Talks are held in Rm. 206, Claxton Building, 1122 Volunteer Blvd.
Light refreshments will be served in Room 206 starting 30 min. before seminars.
**NIMBioS Postdoctoral Fellows Invited Distinguished Visitor
1122 Volunteer Blvd., Suite 106
University of Tennessee
TN 37996-3410
PH: (865) 974-9334
FAX: (865) 974-9461
Contact NIMBioS