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NIMBioS 2019 Event Calendar Archive
  January 2019
Jan 1 NIMBioS administrative offices are closed for New Year's Day.
Jan 16-18 NIMBioS Working Group: Conservation Hierarchies, 3rd meeting
Jan 21 NIMBioS administrative offices are closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Jan 22
*DySoC/NIMBioS Seminar. Oleg Manaev, Political Science, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville; Center for the Dynamics of Social Complexity (DySoC). Topic: Reshaping social structure for legitimation of power in resurgent autocracy: The case of Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine
  February 2019
Feb 1
12:15 p.m.
Spatial Analysis Lab (SAL) at NIMBioS Brown Bag Seminar Series, UAS@UTK: Drones for Research
Shuai Li, Civil and Environmental Engineering, UTK. Topic: Drones for civil engineering. Room 206, Claxton
Feb 4-6 NIMBioS Tutorial: Network Modeling
Feb 12-13 (NICS/NIMBioS) XSEDE HPC Monthly Workshop at NIMBioS: Big Data
Feb 13-15 NIMBioS Working Group: Ecosystem Network Dynamics, 4th meeting
Feb 14
*DySoC/NIMBioS Seminar. Frans B. M. de Waal, Living Links, Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Emory Univ., Atlanta, USA, and Utrecht Univ., the Netherlands. Topic: Animal Emotions and Empathy. Book signing to follow. Location: Strong Hall Auditorium 101
Feb 15-16 DySoC/NIMBioS Investigative Workshop: Human Origins 2021
Feb 25-26 NIMBioS Working Group: Learning in Networks, 2nd meeting
  March 2019
Mar 5-7 NIMBioS Tutorial: Risk Assessment Calculator Training
Mar 25
3:30 p.m.
*DySoC/NIMBioS Seminar. Stephanie A. Bohon, Assoc. Director of the Center for the Study of Social Justice; Sociology, Univ. of Tennessee. Topic: Structural conditions of police-involved killings in the United States
  April 2019
Apr 11
1-2:30 p.m.
NIMBioS Seminar. Krithi K. Karanth, Director, Centre for Wildlife Studies, Bangalore; Conservation Scientist, Wildlife Conservation Society, New York; Duke Univ. Topic: Living with Wildlife: Insights from conservation research, technology and education programs in India. Location: Toyota Auditorium (room 103), Howard H. Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy, 1640 Cumberland Ave
Apr 16
12:40 p.m.
Canceled due to travel cancellations. *NIMBioS Seminar. Mary Ann Horn, Mathematics and Statistics, Case Western Reserve Univ. Topic: Using mathematical modeling to understand the role of diacylglycerol (DAG) as a second messenger
Apr 19 NIMBioS administrative offices are closed for Spring Holiday.
Apr 23
7:30 p.m.
DySoC/NIMBioS Event: Baba Brinkman, World Premiere of "Rap Guide to Culture." The performance is free. Public welcome. Location: 272 Student Union
Apr 23-25 DySoC/NIMBioS Investigative Workshop: Social norms: emergence, persistence, and effects
Apr 25
3:30 p.m.
DySoC/NIMBioS Seminar. Michele Gelfand, Psychology, Univ. of Maryland. Topic: Rule makers, rule breakers: How tight and loose cultures wire our world. Location: Strong Hall Auditorium 101
  May 2019
May 1-3 NIMBioS/DySoC Investigative Workshop: Mathematics of Gun Violence
May 7-9 NIMBioS Working Group: Long Transients and Ecological Forecasting, 4th meeting
May 13-15 NIMBioS Investigative Workshop: Scientific Collaboration Enabled by High Performance Computing
May 16-19 NIMBioS Working Group: Conservation Hierarchies, 4th meeting
May 27 NIMBioS administrative offices are closed for Memorial Day.
May 29-31 NIMBioS Investigative Workshop: Transients in Biological Systems
May 30-Jun 1 NIMBioS Working Group: Quant Bio@Community College, 3rd meeting
  June 2019
May 30-Jun 1 NIMBioS Working Group: Quant Bio@Community College, 3rd meeting
Jun 1 Monthly deadline to apply for Short-term Visits to NIMBioS beginning after July 15.
Jun 3-7 NIMBioS Tutorial: The Search for Selection.
Jun 3-7 (NICS/NIMBioS) XSEDE HPC Monthly Workshop at NIMBioS: Summer Boot Camp.
Jun 4-Jul 26 Summer Research Experiences (SRE) at NIMBioS for Undergraduates
Jun 24-28 Adventures in STEM Camp
  July 2019
Jun 4-Jul 26 Summer Research Experiences (SRE) at NIMBioS for Undergraduates
Jul 1 Monthly deadline to apply for Short-term Visits to NIMBioS beginning after August 15.
Jul 4 NIMBioS administrative offices are closed for Independence Day.
Jul 15-16 NIMBioS Working Group: Optimal Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), 2nd meeting
Jul 23
UT Summer STEM Poster Symposium with NIMBioS SRE students participating. Location: Atrium of Mossman Building
Jul 26
Final presentations of NIMBioS SRE students: Friday 9-noon. Location: NIMBioS, Hallam Auditorium, Room 206
  August 2019
Aug 1 Monthly deadline to apply for Short-term Visits to NIMBioS beginning after September 15.
Aug 7-9 Short-term visitors to NIMBioS: Gary C. An, Division of Acute Care Surgery, Univ. of Vermont Larner College of Medicine, collaborating with Judy Day on control discovery techniques applied to mathematical models for acute care.
Aug 7-9 NIMBioS Working Group: Multiscale Vectored Plant Viruses, 5th meeting
Aug 25-31 Short-term visitors to NIMBioS: collaborating with Nina Fefferman on Parasite risks and the evolution of social behaviors and emergent population organization.
  September 2019
Sep 1 Monthly deadline to apply for Short-term Visits to NIMBioS beginning after October 15.
Sep 2 NIMBioS administrative offices are closed for Labor Day.
Sep 4
Panel on Proposals for NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)—2019
NIMBioS in Hallam Auditorium (Rm 206) 11:30 am-1:30 pm EDT. Streamed live for remote participants and hosted for local attendees. Pizza will be served.
Sep 10
3:30 p.m.
DySoC/NIMBioS Seminar. Jeremy Van Cleve, Biology, Univ. of Kentucky
Topic: Components of cooperation: Synergy in structured populations and the evolution of guilt
Sep 16
2 p.m.
NIMBioS Staff Meeting, Room 103
Sep 24-26 Short-term visitors to NIMBioS: Horan and Finnoff collaborating with Charles Sims on "Stochasticity in bioeconomic models"
Sep 26-Dec 5 Visiting Scholar to NIMBioS: Etotépé Sogbohossou (Conservation Biology, Univ. of Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou, Benin), collaborating with Mona Papes and the NIMBioS Spatial Analysis Lab on "Niche modeling of species of concern in Benin"
  October 2019
Oct 1 Monthly deadline to apply for Short-term Visits to NIMBioS beginning after November 15.
Sep 26-Dec 5 Visiting Scholar to NIMBioS: Etotépé Sogbohossou (Conservation Biology, Univ. of Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou, Benin), collaborating with Mona Papes and the NIMBioS Spatial Analysis Lab on "Niche modeling of species of concern in Benin"
Oct 8-9 Short-term visitor to NIMBioS: Tom McAvoy, collaborating with Suzanne Lenhart, Greg Wiggins, and Hannah Thompson to discuss mathematical modeling of population dynamics and interactions among HWA and two predatory beetles
Oct 10-11 Short-term visitors to NIMBioS: Sudakov et al. collaborating with UT paleontoligist Colin D. Sumrall on "Nonlinearity in past mass extinctions"
Oct 15
3:30 p.m.
DySoC/NIMBioS Seminar. Luke J. Matthews, Behavioral and Social Scientist, RAND Corporation; Faculty, Pardee RAND Graduate School; Co-Director, RAND Center for Applied Network Analysis and System Science
Topic: Cultural inheritance mechanics: Their affordances for evolutionary adaptation and applications to policy analysis
Oct 18-19 Short-term visitors to NIMBioS: Stanhope et al. collaborating on the topic: "Assessing undergraduate quantitative biology skills"
Oct 18-21 Short-term visitors to NIMBioS: Leite et al. collaborating with Dr. Orou Gaoue to study "Plant sustainability under virus co-infection and harvesting"
Oct 24-26 Short-term visitors to NIMBioS: Pinter-Wollman et al. collaborating with Dr. Nina Fefferman to study "Null models in social behavior"
Oct 27-29 Short-term visitors to NIMBioS: Marinez Ferreira de Siqueira (Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), collaborating with Mona Papes
  November 2019
Nov 1 Monthly deadline to apply for Short-term Visits to NIMBioS beginning after December 15.
Sep 26-Dec 5 Visiting Scholar to NIMBioS: Etotépé Sogbohossou (Conservation Biology, Univ. of Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou, Benin), collaborating with Mona Papes and the NIMBioS Spatial Analysis Lab on "Niche modeling of species of concern in Benin"
Nov 9
9 am-2:30 pm
Expanding Your Horizons STEM Activity Day for Middle School Girls
Nov 16-17 Eleventh Annual Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Mathematics and Biology, UT Conference Center.
Nov 20-27 Short-term visitor to NIMBioS: Karen Maguire (Economics, Oklahoma State Univ.) collaborating with Mona Papeş and the NIMBioS Spatial Analysis Lab on "Pecking order? Fracking boom and bird populations on the high plains of Colorado"
Nov 25
4 p.m.
DySoC/NIMBioS Seminar. Simon Levin, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Princeton Univ.
Topic: Public goods, from biofilms to societies
Nov 25-26 Short-term visitors to NIMBioS: Cuddington et al. collaborating to study mismatched transients in the dynamics of social and ecological systems
Nov 28-29 NIMBioS administrative offices are closed for Thanksgiving.
  December 2019
Dec 1 Monthly deadline to apply for Short-term Visits to NIMBioS beginning after January 15.
Sep 26-Dec 5 Visiting Scholar to NIMBioS: Etotépé Sogbohossou, Conservation Biology, Univ. of Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou, Benin, collaborating with Mona Papes and the NIMBioS Spatial Analysis Lab on "Niche modeling of species of concern in Benin"
Dec 4-6 Short-term visitors to NIMBioS: Kling et al. collaborating with Charles Sims and Suzanne Lenhart on "Matching policy scope to ecosystem scale: Lessons from environmental federalism"
Dec 9-13 Short-term visitor to NIMBioS: David Swofford collaborating with Michael Gilchrist and Brian O'Meara on "Porting spatially explicit model of UCE sequence evolution SelON into PAUP"
Dec 23-27 NIMBioS administrative offices are closed for Winter holiday.

*NIMBioS Seminars are held in Rm. 206, Claxton Building, 1122 Volunteer Blvd. Light refreshments will be served starting 30 min. before seminars.

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1122 Volunteer Blvd., Suite 106
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996-3410
PH: (865) 974-9334
FAX: (865) 974-9461
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From 2008 until early 2021, NIMBioS was supported by the National Science Foundation through NSF Award #DBI-1300426, with additional support from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
©2008-2021 National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis. All rights reserved.