NIMBioS 2012 Event Calendar Archive | |
January 2012 | |
Jan 12-14 | Curriculum Development Faculty Workshop |
Jan 17 |
*NIMBioS Seminar:
Andrew Kanarek, NIMBioS Postdoctoral Fellow Topic: Ecological and evolutionary consequences of Allee effects in small founder populations of invasive species |
Jan 31 |
*NIMBioS Seminar:
Maud Lélu, NIMBioS Postdoctoral Fellow Topic: Interactions between the transmission modes of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii |
February 2012 | |
Feb 6-8 |
NIMBioS Investigative Workshop:
Modeling Social Complexity
Descriptive Flyer. |
Feb 8 2-4 pm |
A Public Debate: Was Warfare a Creative Force in Early Social Evolution?
Darwin Day event Shiloh Room, University Center Descriptive Flyer. |
Feb 9 |
*NIMBioS Seminar:
Rosemary Gillespie, Environmental Science, Univ. of California, Berkeley, Darwin Day event Topic: Community assembly across an island chronology |
Feb 13-15 | NIMBioS Investigative Workshop: Disturbance Regimes and Climate-Carbon Feedback |
Feb 21 | STEM Lecture/Workshop Series - Barry Golden (UTK, Theory and Practice in Teacher Education), Workshop: Instructional Strategies to Teach Global Climate Change |
Feb 23-24 |
NSF Centers Education & Outreach Coordinators meeting
Feb 28 |
*NIMBioS Seminar:
**Russell Lande, Natural Sciences, Imperial College London Topic: Adaptation to an extraordinary environment by evolution of phenotypic plasticity and genetic assimilation |
March 2012 | |
Mar 12-14 | NIMBioS Working Group: Multiscale Modeling of the Life Cycle of Toxoplasma gondii, 2nd meeting |
Mar 13-15 | NIMBioS Working Group: 'Pretty Darn Good' Control: Extensions of optimal control for ecological systems, 2nd meeting |
Mar 27 |
*NIMBioS Seminar:
Judy Day, Dept. of Mathematics and Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Univ. of Tennessee Topic: Complex immune responses: modeling and control |
Mar 27 | STEM Lecture/Workshop Series - Katherine Evans (ORNL, Computational Earth Sciences), Lecture: Using Computational Science to Understand Earth's Climate |
Mar 29 |
*NIMBioS Seminar:
Michael DeGiorgio, Dept. of Integrative Biology,
Univ. of California, Berkeley Topic: Genetic variation and modern human origins |
April 2012 | |
Apr 4 1 p.m. |
*NIMBioS Seminar:
**Andrew Pomiankowski, Centre for Mathematics and Physics in the Life Sciences and Experimental Biology (CoPLEX), Univ. College London Topic: Do sexual ornaments signal fertility |
Apr 10 |
*NIMBioS Seminar:
James Degnan, Math and Statistics, Univ. of Canterbury; NIMBioS Sabbatical Visitor
Topic: Modeling hybridization: Gene trees in species networks |
Apr 11-13 | NIMBioS Working Group: Ocean Viral Dynamics, 1st meeting |
Apr 24 |
*NIMBioS Seminar:
**Joshua Plotkin, Mathematical Biology, Univ. of Penn
Topic: On the role of neutral mutations in adaptation |
Apr 24 7:30 p.m. |
NIMBioS Songwriter-in-Residence Baba Brinkman: a free, excerpted performance of his critically acclaimed Off-Broadway show, The Rap Guide to Evolution, with music provided by DJ Jamie Simmonds. UC Auditorium. Descriptive flyer |
Apr 30 |
*NIMBioS Seminar:
Rob de Boer, Theoretical Biology and Bioinformatics, Utrecht University
Topic: Analysing immune cell migration |
May 2012 | |
May 15-17 | NIMBioS Working Group: Modeling Anthrax Exposure, 1st meeting |
June 2012 | |
Jun 13-15 | NIMBioS Working Group: Cross-Topology Registration, 3rd meeting |
Jun 18-29 |
Joint 2012 MBI-NIMBioS-CAMBAM Summer Graduate Workshop on Stochastics Applied to Biological Systems, at the Mathematical Biosciences Institute at Ohio State Univ. |
Jun 11-Aug 4 |
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) |
Jun 26-28 | NIMBioS Working Group: Within-host modeling of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infections, 1st meeting |
July 2012 | |
Jun 11-Aug 4 |
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) |
Jul 23-24 |
NIMBioS Investigative Workshop:
Modeling Dengue Fever
Jul 25-28 |
The Society for Mathematical Biology
Annual Meeting and Conference, Knoxville Convention Center, hosted by NIMBioS and Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Jul 29-30 |
NIMBioS Investigative Workshop:
Communication in Collaboration
August 2012 | |
Jun 11-Aug 4 |
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) |
Aug 6-8 | POSTPONED:NIMBioS Working Group: Optimal Control for Agent-based Models , 3rd meeting |
September 2012 | |
Sep 4 | *NIMBioS Seminar:
Gesham Magombedze, NIMBioS postdoctoral fellow Topic: Understanding the underlying mechanisms of persistence in mycobacterial infections |
Sep 18 | *NIMBioS Seminar:
Jiang Jiang, NIMBioS postdoctoral fellow Topic: Modeling mangrove-hardwood hammock ecotone |
Sep 20 1:30 p.m. |
*NIMBioS Seminar:
Klaas Hartmann (Inst. for Marine and Antarctic Studies, Univ. of Tasmania), NIMBioS short-term visitor Topics: Constructing a complete global bird phylogeny and Managing fisheries for public benefit |
October 2012 | |
Oct 2 | *NIMBioS Seminar:
![]() Topic: Analyzing sequences in animal vocal communication |
Oct 11-12 | NIMBioS Advisory Board Meeting |
Oct 16 | *NIMBioS Seminar:
Speaker: Keenan Mack Topic: Spatial dependence of positive and negative species interactions |
Oct 22-24 | NIMBioS Working Group: Ocean Viral Dynamics, 2nd meeting |
Oct 29-31 | NIMBioS Working Group: Play, Sociality, and Evolution, 2nd meeting |
Oct 29-30 | NIMBioS Working Group: Suction Feeding Biomechanics, 2nd meeting |
Oct 30 | *NIMBioS Seminar:
Speaker: Julia Earl Topic: Animal behavior and ecosystems: Linking movement ecology to spatial subsidies |
November 2012 | |
Nov 13 | *NIMBioS Seminar:
**Simon Levin, Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University Topic: Evolutionary perspectives on discounting, public goods and collective behavior |
Nov 13-15 | NIMBioS Working Group: Modeling Anthrax Exposure, 2nd meeting |
Nov 17-18 | 4th Annual Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Biology and Mathematics |
Nov 26-29 | NIMBioS Working Group: Gene Tree/Species Tree Reconciliation, 3rd meeting |
Nov 27-29 | NIMBioS Working Group: Optimal Control for Agent-based Models, 3rd meeting |
Nov 27 | *NIMBioS Seminar:
Matt Spencer, lecturer in quantitative biology at the Univ. of Liverpool and NIMBioS Sabbatical Visitor Topic: Measuring the rate of succession and the growth space of a community |
December 2012 | |
Dec 11-14 | NIMBioS Working Group: Food Web Dynamics, 3rd meeting |
Dec 17-19 | NIMBioS Working Group: Multiscale Modeling of the Life Cycle of Toxoplasma gondii, 3rd meeting |
1122 Volunteer Blvd., Suite 106
University of Tennessee
TN 37996-3410
PH: (865) 974-9334
FAX: (865) 974-9461
Contact NIMBioS