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NIMBioS Visitor Calendar 2016

Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec

Dates Visitor Affiliation Project Collaborators
  January 2016
6/1/2015 - 5/31/2016 *Charles PriceBiology, Univ. of Western AustraliaUnderstanding the physical drivers of allometric patterns in treesSabbatical Researcher
8/17/2015 - 7/28/2016 *Richard SchugartWestern Kentucky UniversityUse optimal control theory to analyze and develop oxygen therapy treatment protocols for treating bacterial infection in woundsSabbatical Researcher
  February 2016
6/1/2015 - 5/31/2016 *Charles PriceBiology, Univ. of Western AustraliaUnderstanding the physical drivers of allometric patterns in treesSabbatical Researcher
8/17/2015 - 7/28/2016 *Richard SchugartWestern Kentucky UniversityUse optimal control theory to analyze and develop oxygen therapy treatment protocols for treating bacterial infection in woundsSabbatical Researcher
2/1 - 4/30 *Ben FitzpatrickMathematics, Loyola Marymount Univ.Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification and Control for Agent-Based Models of Biological and Social SystemsSabbatical Researcher
2/1 - 4/30 *Glenn LedderMathematics, Univ. of Nebraska, LincolnDynamic Energy Budget Modeling and Multi-Component SystemsSabbatical Researcher
2/15 - 2/19 Sean HobanMorton ArboretumAn extensible, general, framework for population genetic simulation using RAllan Strand
2/15 - 2/19 Allan StrandCollege of CharlestonAn extensible, general, framework for population genetic simulation using RSean Hoban
2/16 - 2/17 Maria ServedioUniv. of North Carolina Chapel HillSeminar Talk: Models and Mechanisms of Male Mate Choice
2/25 - 2/28 Anita LaytonMathematics, Duke Univ.Blood flow autoregulation in the kidneyLayton et al
2/25 - 2/28 Aurelie EdwardsCentre de Recherche des CordeliersBlood flow autoregulation in the kidneyLayton et al
2/25 - 2/28 Jennifer SullivanPhysiology, Georgia Regents Univ.Blood flow autoregulation in the kidneyLayton et al
2/25 - 2/28 Ying ChenCtr for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Duke Univ.Blood flow autoregulation in the kidneyLayton et al
2/25 - 2/28 Veronica CiocanelApplied Mathematics, Brown Univ.Blood flow autoregulation in the kidneyLayton et al
2/25 - 2/28 Tracy StepienSchool of Mathematical and Stastical Sciences, Arizona State Univ.Blood flow autoregulation in the kidneyLayton et al
  March 2016
6/1/2015 - 5/31/2016 *Charles PriceBiology, Univ. of Western AustraliaUnderstanding the physical drivers of allometric patterns in treesSabbatical Researcher
8/17/2015 - 7/28/2016 *Richard SchugartWestern Kentucky UniversityUse optimal control theory to analyze and develop oxygen therapy treatment protocols for treating bacterial infection in woundsSabbatical Researcher
2/1 - 4/30 *Ben FitzpatrickMathematics, Loyola Marymount Univ.Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification and Control for Agent-Based Models of Biological and Social SystemsSabbatical Researcher
2/1 - 4/30 *Glenn LedderMathematics, Univ. of Nebraska, LincolnDynamic Energy Budget Modeling and Multi-Component SystemsSabbatical Researcher
3/2 - 3/6 Jason HoeksemaBiology, Univ. MississippiHoeksema et al
3/2 - 3/6 Dan DoakEnvironmental Studies, Univ. Colorado-BoulderHoeksema et al
3/2 - 3/6 Christopher SteenbockEcology & Evolutionary Biology, Univ. Colorado-BoulderHoeksema et al
3/7 - 3/10 Eleanor BrushBiology, Univ. of MarylandElizabeth Hobson
3/16 - 3/18 Noelle BeckmanSESYNCUsing theory to understand elements of plant life history and coexistence
3/20 - 3/27 Erida GjiniInstituto Gulbenkian de CienciaExploring host immunity and antibiotic resistance in treatment dynamics of TBVitaly Ganusov
3/23 - 3/25 Sean HobanThe Morton ArboretumSynthesis of genetic diversity patterns in Europe and Eastern North AmericaLumibao, McLachlan
3/23 - 3/25 Candice LumibaoUniv. of MinnesotaSynthesis of genetic diversity patterns in Europe and Eastern North AmericaHoban, McLachlan
3/23 - 3/25 Jason McLachlanUniv. of Notre DameSynthesis of genetic diversity patterns in Europe and Eastern North AmericaLumibao, Hoban
3/31 - 4/3 Lauren GollahonBiology, Texas Tech Univ.Li, Weisstein, Yang
3/31 - 4/3 Qingxia LiMathematics, Fisk UniversityGollahon, Weisstein, Yang
3/31 - 4/3 Anton (Tony) WeissteinBiology, Truman State Univ.Li, Gollahon, Yang
3/31 - 4/3 Xinyao YangMathematics, Univ. MissouriLi, Weisstein, Gollahon
  April 2016
6/1/2015 - 5/31/2016 *Charles PriceBiology, Univ. of Western AustraliaUnderstanding the physical drivers of allometric patterns in treesSabbatical Researcher
8/17/2015 - 7/28/2016 *Richard SchugartWestern Kentucky UniversityUse optimal control theory to analyze and develop oxygen therapy treatment protocols for treating bacterial infection in woundsSabbatical Researcher
2/1 - 4/30 *Ben FitzpatrickMathematics, Loyola Marymount Univ.Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification and Control for Agent-Based Models of Biological and Social SystemsSabbatical Researcher
2/1 - 4/30 *Glenn LedderMathematics, Univ. of Nebraska, LincolnDynamic Energy Budget Modeling and Multi-Component SystemsSabbatical Researcher
3/31 - 4/3 Lauren GollahonBiology, Texas Tech Univ.Li, Weisstein, Yang
3/31 - 4/3 Qingxia LiMathematics, Fisk UniversityGollahon, Weisstein, Yang
3/31 - 4/3 Anton (Tony) WeissteinBiology, Truman State Univ.Li, Gollahon, Yang
3/31 - 4/3 Xinyao YangMathematics, Univ. MissouriLi, Weisstein, Gollahon
4/12 Michael Whitlock Postdoc Distinguished VisitorNIMBioS Postdocs
4/18 - 4/20 Urszula LedzewiczSourthern Illinois Univ.Postdoc Distinguished VisitorNIMBioS Postdocs
  May 2016
6/1/2015 - 5/31/2016 *Charles PriceBiology, Univ. of Western AustraliaUnderstanding the physical drivers of allometric patterns in treesSabbatical Researcher
8/17/2015 - 7/28/2016 *Richard SchugartWestern Kentucky UniversityUse optimal control theory to analyze and develop oxygen therapy treatment protocols for treating bacterial infection in woundsSabbatical Researcher
5/15 - 6/20 Michael RentonSchool of Plant Biology, Univ. Western AustraliaEvolutionary modeling of optimal plant structure and growthChuck Price
  June 2016
8/17/2015 - 7/28/2016 *Richard SchugartWestern Kentucky UniversityUse optimal control theory to analyze and develop oxygen therapy treatment protocols for treating bacterial infection in woundsSabbatical Researcher
5/15 - 6/20 Michael RentonSchool of Plant Biology, Univ. Western AustraliaEvolutionary modeling of optimal plant structure and growthChuck Price
  July 2016
8/17/2015 - 7/28/2016 *Richard SchugartWestern Kentucky UniversityUse optimal control theory to analyze and develop oxygen therapy treatment protocols for treating bacterial infection in woundsSabbatical Researcher
7/18 - 7/22 Barbara HanCary Institute of Ecosystem StudiesMachine learning and mathematical modeling of pace of life in disease ecologySuzanne O'Regan
7/18 - 7/22 Calistus NgonghalaDepartment of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical SchoolUsing optimal control theory to investigate treatment measures for malariaSuzanne Lenhart
7/18 - 7/22 Eric NumforMathematics, Augusta UniversityUsing optimal control theory to investigate treatment measures for malariaSuzanne Lenhart
  August 2016
8/14 - 8/20 Clint LeachBiology,Colorado State Univ.A review of nonparametric Bayesian methods in ecologyNels Johnson
  October 2016
10/11 - 10/12 Mark MoffettSmithsonian InstituteNIMBioS Seminar SeriesSergey Gavrilets
10/16 - 10/19 Laura MillerMiller et al
10/16 - 10/19 Angela ChuangMiller et al
10/16 - 10/19 Kimberly SheldonMiller et al
10/16 - 10/19 Longhua ZhaoMiller et al
10/16 - 10/19 Iordanka PanayotovaMiller et al
10/17 - 10/19 Jay Ver HoefNational Marine Mammal Laboratory, NOAA-NMFS Alaska Fisheries Science CenterPostdoctoral Fellow Distinguished Visitor, SeminarNIMBioS Postdocs
  November 2016
11/1 - 11/30 Michael ReedTufts Univ.Evaluating resilience and vulnerability in biological systemsNina Fefferman
11/6 - 11/17 Sergei PetrovskiiUniv. of LeicesterMathematical models of socio-ecologySergey Gavrilets
  December 2016
12/14 - 12/21 Daniel FrancoETSI Industriales, UNED Suzanne Lenhart
12/19 - 12/21 Frank HilkerInstitute of Environmental Systems Research, Osnabrück University Suzanne Lenhart

*Sabbatical Fellow, (about)
**Visiting Graduate Student Fellow, (about)
***Self-supported Visitor, (about)

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From 2008 until early 2021, NIMBioS was supported by the National Science Foundation through NSF Award #DBI-1300426, with additional support from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
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