9:40 – 11:20 a.m. Wednesday, July 25 SESSION A |
Time/Room# | Speakers | Topic |
301A | MS1: Electrostatics: Numerical Algorithms and Biological Applications (1) |
7/25 | 9:40 | Lorena Barba | Protein electrostatics on a desktop using GPU hardware and multipole algorithms |
7/25 | 10:05 | Jaydeep Bardhan | Future-proofing fast electrostatic models for the era of massive parallelism |
7/25 | 10:30 | Xiaolin Cheng | Fast electrostatic calculation in molecular simulation |
7/25 | 10:55 | Weihua Geng | Treecode-accelerated boundary integral Poisson-Boltzmann solver |
301B | MS2: Modeling, Simulation, and Validation of the Biomechanics of Microbial Communities |
7/25 | 9:40 | Sarthok Sircar | Spatially inhomogeneous bacterial clusters in weak shear flow |
7/25 | 10:05 | Rangarajan Sudarsan | Effect of biofilm deformation on detachment, mass transfer, and growth |
7/25 | 10:30 | Jason Hammond | Modeling and simulation of biofilm fragmentation in fluid flow |
7/25 | 10:55 | Scott Van Epps | Modeling adhesion of bacteria to artificial surfaces under flowing conditions |
301C | MS3: First-year Mathematics Course Reform for Biology Majors |
7/25 | 9:40 | Erin Bodine | First-year biomathematics: Considerations, possible frameworks, and resources |
7/25 | 10:05 | Sarah Hews | Using biological research articles throughout the first-year mathematics curriculum |
7/25 | 10:30 | Hannah Callender | Challenges and opportunities for assessment in first semester biocalculus |
7/25 | 10:55 | Timothy Comar | From biocalculus to undergraduate research |
301D | CS1: Epidemiology 1 |
7/25 | 9:40 | Marleen Werkman | Investigating the effectiveness of regionalized movement bans for the control of foot and mouth disease in the UK |
7/25 | 10:05 | James Clarke | Modelling the short-term dynamic impact and implications of control strategies for Chlamydia trachomatis |
7/25 | 10:30 | Eric Numfor | Optimal control applied to immuno-epidemiological models |
7/25 | 10:55 | Ahmed Abdelrazec | Optimal control of West Nile virus in mosquitoes, birds, and humans with Season |
301E | CS2: Computational Biology 1 |
7/25 | 9:40 | Srividhya Jeyaraman | Boundary formation in developing tissues - a mathematical model for the inter-cellular inductive Notch signaling |
7/25 | 10:05 | Xujing Wang | The role of glucose-dependent mobilization and priming of insulin granules in the biphasic insulin secretion |
7/25 | 10:30 | Nicholas Flann | BioCellion: A high-performance computing framework for multiscale modeling and simulation of multicellular biological systems |
7/25 | 10:55 | Cesar O. Flores | Phage-bacteria interaction networks: From nestedness to modularity |
300A | CS3: Ecology 1 |
7/25 | 9:40 | Henriette Jager | Thinking outside the channel to design optimal flow regimes that favor salmon populations and energy production |
7/25 | 10:30 | Christina Cobbold | From diffusion models to patch models using mean occupancy time |
7/25 | 10:55 | Andrew Allstadt | Interference competition and invasion: Spatial structure, novel weapons, and resistance zones |
300B | CS4: Developmental Biology |
7/25 | 9:40 | Gregory Toole | Modeling cortical folding with a growing domain turing system |
7/25 | 10:05 | Karen Page | The AC-DC motif - a circuit which allows cells to respond to morphogen signaling in the vertebrate neural tube |
7/25 | 10:30 | Bruce MacLennan | Mathematical principles of morphogenesis applied to nanoscale self-assembly |
7/25 | 10:55 | Rebecca Chisholm | Building a morphogen gradient without diffusion in a growing tissue |
11:40 – 1:20 p.m. Wednesday, July 25 SESSION BTop |
Time/Room# | Speakers | Topic |
301A | MS4: Electrostatics: Numerical Algorithms and Biological Applications (2) |
7/25 | 11:40 | Yongcheng Zhou | Electrodiffusion of lipids on membrane surfaces |
7/25 | 12:05 | Yoichiro Mori | Pump-leak models of cell volume and electrolyte control |
7/25 | 12:30 | Shuwang Li | Dynamics of a vesicle in viscous fluids |
7/25 | 12:55 | Michael Grabe | Membrane bending is critical for the stability of voltage sensor segments in the membrane |
301B | MS5: Multiscale Modeling of Biochemical Networks that Control Cell Polarization and Motility (1) |
7/25 | 11:40 | Pavel Zhuravlev | Theory of acitve transport in filopodia and stereocilia |
7/25 | 12:05 | Natasha Savage | Where to draw one's theoretical boundary: One system, one data set, two published models, two opposing conclusions |
7/25 | 12:30 | Brian Drawert | Polarized stochastic amplification during mating in Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
7/25 | 12:55 | Tyler Drake | A model of fission-yeast cell shape driven by membrane-bound growth factors |
301C | MS6: Bridging Mathematical Models and Experiments |
7/25 | 11:40 | Bridget Wilson | Ovarian tumor attachment, invasion and vascularization reflect unique microenvironments in the peritoneum: Insights from intravital imaging and mathematical modeling |
7/25 | 12:05 | Cameron Harvey | Myxococcus xanthus cluster dynamics |
7/25 | 12:30 | Paul Macklin | Integration of pathology, radiology, and in vitro data in patient-calibrated cancer simulations: Recent advances and future outlook for ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) |
7/25 | 12:55 | Yi Jiang | Sprouting angiogenesis: An integrated experimental and multiscale modeling study |
301D | CS5: Epidemiology 2 |
7/25 | 11:40 | Alex Perkins | Sources and scales of heterogeneous mosquito-borne pathogen transmission |
7/25 | 12:05 | Calistus Ngonghala | Mosquito demography and nourishment habits can account for observed patterns in malaria transmission |
7/25 | 12:30 | Suma Ghosh | Effect of immunological defense against vector on disease transmission in bird malaria |
7/25 | 12:55 | Folashade Agusto | Malaria drug resistance: The impact of human movement and spatial heterogeneity |
301E | CS6: Ecology 2 |
7/25 | 11:40 | Glenn Ledder | An optimization model that links masting to seed herbivory |
7/25 | 12:05 | Dan Ryan | A cross-diffusion model for avoidance behavior in an intraguild predation community |
7/25 | 12:30 | Andrew Bate | Rabbits killing birds: Hypopredation and limitations of hyperpredation |
7/25 | 12:55 | Ben Nolting | A spatially explicit analogue of Charnov's marginal value theorem |
300A | CS7: Immunology 1 |
7/25 | 11:40 | Judy Day | The role of T-cells in hemorrhagic shock |
7/25 | 12:05 | Jae Kyoung Kim | On the existence and uniqueness of biological clock models matching experimental data |
7/25 | 12:30 | Alan Rendall | Mathematics of the NFAT signalling pathway |
300B | CS8: Population Genetics 1 |
7/25 | 11:40 | Ori Sargsyan | Analytical framework for identifying and differentiating recent hitchhiking and severe bottleneck effects from multi-locus DNA sequence data |
7/25 | 12:05 | Michael Robert | A mathematical model for assessing the reduce and replace strategy for combating dengue transmission by Aedes aegypti |
7/25 | 12:30 | Sivan Leviyang | Computational approaches to the population genetics of early HIV infection |
7/25 | 12:55 | Michael Gilchrist | Using mathematical models of ribosome movement and allele fixation to extract information on protein translation from genomic datasets |
1:20 – 2:20 p.m. Luncheon for all registrants, Ballroom F-G |
2:20 – 3:20 p.m. Wednesday, July 25 Plenary - Troy Day: Computability, Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem, and an inherent limit on the predictability of evolution |
3:40 – 5:20 p.m. Wednesday, July 25 SESSION CTop |
Time/Room# | Speakers | Topic |
301B | MS7: Multiscale Modeling of Biochemical Networks that Control Cell Polarization and Motility (2) |
7/25 | 3:40 | Herb Levine | Models of moving cell morphologies |
7/25 | 4:05 | Bill Holmes | Regulatory control of response thresholds in polarizing cells |
7/25 | 4:30 | Jun Allard | Polymerization-driven, adhesion-mediated actin traveling waves in motile cells |
7/25 | 4:55 | Alexandra Jilkine | Discriminating between models of neutrophil polarity through cell severing and perturbations of cell geometry |
301A | MS8: Trends and Innovations in Undergraduate Math Biology Curricula |
7/25 | 3:40 | John Jungck | Crowdsourcing curriculum development in mathematical biology education |
7/25 | 4:05 | Suzanne Lenhart | A beginning mathematics course to train the new biologists |
7/25 | 4:30 | Glenn Ledder | Using Virtual Laboratories to Teach Mathematical Modeling |
7/25 | 4:55 | Jason Miller | Highs and lows of an interdepartmental undergraduate MathBio program |
301C | MS9: Recent Advances in Infectious Disease Modeling |
7/25 | 3:40 | Cameron Browne | Modeling HIV dynamics under periodic combination drug therapy |
7/25 | 4:05 | Jane Heffernan | The effects of pre-existing immunity in seasonal influenza |
7/25 | 4:30 | Elissa Schwartz | Understanding viral escape from the cellular immune response using computational modeling |
7/25 | 4:55 | Robert Smith? | A mathematical model of Bieber Fever: The most infectious disease of our time? |
301D | CS9: Epidemiology 3 |
7/25 | 3:40 | Damian Kajunguri | Cost-effectiveness analysis of tsetse and Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense control through application of insecticides on cattle |
7/25 | 4:05 | Maira Aguiar | Rich dynamics in multi-strain models: non-linear dynamics and deterministic chaos in dengue fever epidemiology |
7/25 | 4:30 | Tyler Massaro | Mathematical modeling for cost analysis of EVELISA-based Johne's Disease control |
7/25 | 4:55 | Xueying Wang | A stochastic model for transmission, extinction and outbreak of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in cattle as affected by ambient temperature and pathogen cleaning practices |
301E | CS10: Tumor Modeling 1 |
7/25 | 3:40 | Evgeniy Khain | Collective behavior of brain tumor cells: The role of hypoxia |
7/25 | 4:05 | Jessica McGillen | A generalized continuum model of tumor acidity and invasion |
7/25 | 4:30 | Tina Anne Schuetz | A mathematical multiscale model of the role of microRNA-451 in glioblastoma growth |
7/25 | 4:55 | Jill Gallaher | Bridging scales: Combining population statistics with tissue dynamics to link primary and metastatic disease |
300A | CS11: Cell Biology 1 |
7/25 | 3:40 | Adam Sullivan | Size structured model for tissue cyst growth of Toxoplasma gondii |
7/25 | 4:05 | Jennifer Pascal | Mathematical modeling of multi-species motor-cargo transport |
7/25 | 4:30 | Hong Qin | Emergence of cellular aging from a gene network model |
7/25 | 4:55 | Qixuan Wang | 2D swimming at low Reynolds number |
DAYS: Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. SESSIONS: A B C D E F G H I J K
Thursday, July 26Top
7:30 a.m. Breakfast for all registrants, Cumberland Concourse |
8:30 – 9:30 a.m. Thursday, July 26 Plenary - Alexander Anderson: An Integrative Approach to Cancer |
DAYS: Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. SESSIONS: A B C D E F G H I J K
Friday, July 27Top
DAYS: Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. SESSIONS: A B C D E F G H I J K
Saturday, July 28Top
If you have questions or corrections, contact the meeting secretary, Chandra Eskridge (smb2012@nimbios.org).